The COVID-19 School Supply List You Really Need


At this point, we all know the 2020-2021 school year will be different. If you have decided to send your school to kids this year, your school supply list is probably a bit longer. This is because classrooms are no longer allowed to have communal supplies, so your kids will need their own pencils, crayons, markers, etc. But, in addition to the basic supplies they need for learning, there are 10 additional supplies every parent should consider purchasing for this COVID-19 school year.

1. Masks

Many schools are required students to wear masks, if not for the full day then at least during class transitions. Now is the time to stock up on kid’s face masks. Even if you have reusable face masks that can be washed, it is wise to have several. We know our kids are going to lose them or mess them up, so you might as well always have an extra mask on hand. Target and Old Navy are selling cheap face masks for kids. Crayola is also selling packs of masks for each day of the school week.

2. Mask Accessories

It is also a good idea to some mask accessories to make mask wearing easier for little ones. For example, many people like mask extenders because it allows them to wear a mask without it resting behind their ear too long. Additionally, you can purchase mask toggles that allow you to shorten the length of the mask cord to fit small faces. Finally, it is wise to purchase some lanyards for kids to wear that they can clip their masks on, so they don’t get lost or dirty at school.

3. Hand Sanitizer

Keep hand sanitizer on hand – in your vehicle, your purse, and your house. And get kid-friendly hand sanitizer holders that they can attach to their book bags. Bath and Body Works has cute ones for kids.

4. Pencil Box

Since kids are not allowed to share school supplies, get them a cool pencil box just for their personal supplies.

5. Household Cleaning Products

Stock up on disinfectant wipes and Lysol spray. You are going to use it more this year than ever before. Don’t forget – when the coronavirus first made it to the U.S., these products sold out. Get them while they are readily available.

6. Reusable Water Bottle

Kids should not be sharing drinks and drinking from the school water fountain isn’t a good idea either. Instead, invest in a quality reusable water bottle with a design your kid loves. It is probably better to get more than one - because kids.

7. Forehead Thermometer

Many schools are requiring parents to take their kids' temperatures each morning before school. This is where a forehead thermometer will come in handy. Keep it by wherever you keep your car keys.

8. Device Sterilizer

Remember when your kid was a baby and you had a fancy sterilizer for bottles? Well, you need a new one. There are several different device sanitizers available for sanitizing cell phones, keys, and other things your kid may bring home from school.

9. A Computer

Yes, you signed up for your kid to go to school. But for many parents, this also includes some virtual school days. Even those planning to go to school five days a week will face the possibility of returning to virtual learning if there are COVID-19 cases in their school. That’s why this is the year to go ahead and invest in a computer.

10. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Along those same lines, get some good headphones for your kid to do their virtual schooling without distractions in the home. While you’re at it, pick yourself up a pair, too. Every mom who survived quarantine deserves a nice pair of noise-canceling headphones.