These Small Changes Changed Everything About the Way I Eat


At the start of a new year, there is always so much pressure to lose more weight and get healthier. For most women, this turns into a cycle of dieting where we lose weight, gain weight, and feel less than. I’m over it.

Being healthy matters. But eating well and living a life you enjoy matters just as much. If we are not careful, we can develop a negative attitude towards food, which will make life harder and less enjoyable. This is why it is so important to have a positive attitude toward food.

Today, I’m sharing some of the small changes I made regarding the way I view food and dieting. These small changes have made such a big difference in my life. I bet you’ll notice a positive change when you change your attitude about food, too.

Dieting for the Sake of Dieting – No Thank You!


If you are dieting to get healthy, good for you! If you are dieting simply because everyone around you is dieting, just stop. While it is important to eat healthy, there is no reason to go overboard with juice cleanses and diets.

Let Go of Food Guilt


Please, once and for all, can we get over food guilt? There is already so much pressure on women to look the right way that we don’t need to feel pressure to eat the right way all the time. If you eat something not on the health menu, don’t beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new day.

Stop Saying Never – Eat Some Treats!


Along with the above attitude, stop telling yourself you can “never” eat certain things. This will only make you want them more. It is perfectly fine to indulge in the occasional treats. Many nutritionists recommend following the 80/20 rule – try to eat healthy 80% of the time with a 20% cushion.

Eat When You are Hungry – Not for the Sake of Staying Busy


Many women fall into the habit of eating just to stay busy. Women get bored, and it feels better to be doing something – even something as simple as snacking. Instead, aim to eat when you are hungry. Before you pull a snack out of the pantry, ask yourself if you are actually hungry.

Enjoy Eating and Engage Your Senses


The more you enjoy eating, the better your relationship with food will become. For instance, take time to taste your food rather than rushing through a meal. Engage your senses. Notice the aromas and taste the different flavors. Marvel at the beautiful display on the plate before you at the restaurant – isn’t that half the pics on Insta? We love looking at beautiful food. Now, take the time to enjoy eating it!

Be a Positive Food Role Model


As a mom, it is important that I am a positive food role model for my daughters. Bad food habits can cause big problems like obesity and eating disorders. That’s why I believe it is important to teach them to eat well and enjoy every bite.