Unconventional Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

There is so much going on this month!

International Women’s Day, Daylight Savings, and St. Patrick’s Day to name a few.

It is also when Spring officially begins. The Spring Equinox brings renewal in every aspect, so take advantage of this energy to Spring clean not just your house, but also your life.

Read on to learn about unconventional ways you can clear out the old to welcome in the new!

You Got (Too Much) Mail!

Everywhere we go and every app we use now asks us for an email address.

People usually have at least two where one is for spams, deals, etc. It’s so easy to cross contaminate and get lost in the never-ending subscription emails that we didn’t even realize we signed up for.

So make it a point to clean out your inbox! Especially your main account. 

It will feel so nice deleting things you don’t need, unsubscribing to weekly emails that don’t help you, and clearing out junk so you don’t feel so daunted whenever a new email comes in.

End Recurring Charges

Netflix, Disney+, Peacock, YouTube, Costco, Amazon, gym memberships, apps, storage… You get the idea.

What are you continually paying for that you no longer use? Take a moment to sit down and go through your credit card statements to see what you’ve been paying for that you’re not even using anymore. End it or pause it until you’re ready to use the service again.

Less money being wasted means more money put towards things you’ll actually use and enjoy!

It’s OK to Unfollow

As social media grows, so do our time on the apps and our Following list.

Whether it’s following friends, celebrities, public figures, or some random person who makes comedy content, there’s a chance that there are content that show up on our feed that we just don’t align with anymore.

I’m here to let you know that it’s OK to unfollow (even if they’re friends and family members). You can even mute their posts from showing up.

If the content is bringing you down, makes you question yourself, or just not your cup of tea anymore, then it’s time to give your social media a good scrubbing!

Break Up with Busy-ness

You’re either going to like what I’m about to say or resist it - you are getting in your own way of achieving whatever it is you want to achieve.

One of the ways that shows up is filling up the hours of the day with meaningless or busy tasks that don’t propel you forward. These tasks make you think you’re being productive just for the sake of “doing something” and not looking lazy.

So really carve the time to sit down with yourself and get your priorities straight. Instead of writing down a checklist of random to-do’s, write out your goals and set clear activities you can do to work towards them.

Check out my previous blog on how you can stay on track with your New Year’s Resolutions

Which of these unconventional ways will you be applying to your Spring Cleaning this year? Let me know in the comments below!