What You Should Do Every Morning

Mornings matter. How you start the day has a huge effect on the rest of your day.

It’s the reason we say, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” when they have a foul attitude.

Curating a morning routine will go a long way towards improving your health – mental, physical, and emotional.

Here are ten things experts recommend doing every morning.

Wake Up at the Same Time

I’m going to give the tip that may the hardest tip of all first – wake up at the same time every day. And wake up earlier rather than later.

According to Women’s Health, “Research has shown that being a ‘morning person’ has major benefits for your health. Studies have shown that waking up earlier makes you feel happier and healthier, boosts your immune system, improves productivity and helps you maintain a healthy weight.”

Set an alarm on your phone and place your phone out of reach. This serves two purposes. 1 – You won’t be able to hit snooze. 2 – You won’t be able to scroll first thing in the AM.

Make Your Bed

It’s good to start your day with a win. Here’s an easy one – make your bed!

This simple activity will make you feel better about your To Do list and the day ahead.

Let the Light In

A simple habit I’ve developed is starting my day by letting the light in. I pull back the shades and open the blinds.

This signifies to my mind and body that the day has started. Plus, it has medical benefits.

Women’s Health reports, “Research out of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shows that those who are exposed to natural light earlier in the morning have lower BMIs regardless of diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors.”

Stretch and Move

I’ll be honest. The older I get, the more my body needs stretching first thing in the morning. And that’s not a bad thing!

It’s wise to start your day with movement. Get your endorphins so you begin the day on a natural high with energy.

Wash Your Face

It doesn’t matter if you shower in the evening or the morning – you need to wash your face in the morning.

Not only is it good for your skin, but it is also good for your whole person. A few minutes of self-care in the morning is critical.

Drink Water

We all know the importance of drinking water, but many of us start our journey towards eight glasses a day later in the day. We should really start drinking water first thing in the morning.

According to NBC News, “We get dehydrated overnight (especially if nature calls and you’re using the bathroom in the pre-dawn hours) […] A glass or two of H2O first thing helps replenish your body’s hydration stores. It also starts your metabolism on the right foot (since the body relies on water to keep all your digestive processes running smoothly).”

Enjoy a Cup of Coffee

Take time each money to enjoy a cup of coffee. The key here is to enjoy it. The point isn’t drinking coffee – it is spending a few minutes to slow down and savor something before the busyness of the day fully begins.

Eat Breakfast at Home

In the past, I was guilty of grabbing something small and eating breakfast on the go. I have since learned that I feel better if I eat a healthy breakfast at home. It’s a great way to get your metabolism going and helps you eat something healthier than fast food on the go.


Taking just a few minutes to sit, pause, and meditate makes a big difference. Women’s Health points out, “Research has found that practicing meditation is basically the holy grail for health, helping to reduce stress, manage anxiety, increase productivity, help weight loss, motivate you to exercise and make you a nicer person.”

Write or Review Your To Do List

The last thing I do before I head out the door is check my To Do list. Knowing what I need to do that day helps me make a plan and get busy.

What is your morning routine?