5 Things That Steal Your Joy


Life is full of beauty and wonder and joy. But, if you aren’t careful, you will lose sight of it.

We’ve all had seasons in our lives where we’ve suffered and lost our joy. This is to be expected when we are hurting.

However, I believe some people live their lives constantly searching for joy without realizing they are doing things that deplete it.

Take a few minutes today to consider if you are allowing any of these 5 things to steal your joy.


1. Still People

There is a quote that is going around on social media that says, “Make it your mission to stay away from STILL people. STILL making excuses, STILL complaining, STILL hating, and STILL nowhere.”

Toxic people will steal your joy faster than anything else.

As an adult, you get to choose who you spend your free time with. Choose wisely.

Choose people who encourage you and motivate you. Choose people who make you feel better about yourself when you leave, not worse. Choose people who fill you up rather than drain you.


2. Social Media Comparison

Social media is a wonderful way to connect with people. I love it!

But even as a social media influencer, I see the negative side of it. Social media is primarily people’s highlight reels, but our social media feeds trick us into believing this is a daily reality. It isn’t.

What’s worse is that you are comparing yourself to these filtered highlight reels. Life isn’t picture perfect (or even picture worthy) all the time.

If you aren’t careful, you will find yourself comparing your real life to a carefully curated social media feed.

And there goes your joy.

Instead, follow joyful people who inspire you (not those who inspire jealousy).


3. Clutter

I love the feeling of a clean house. I also love shopping. There’s a fine balance between shopping wisely and clutter filling my home.

When my home enters the clutter territory, I start to feel a lot less happy. While shopping brings me joy, a cluttered house doesn’t.

I find this is true in many areas of my life. If my desk is cluttered, I can’t focus on work. A clean desk leads to better productivity.

When my mind is cluttered, I am definitely not feeling joyful. I’m irritated and short-tempered.


4. Comfortable Choices

This is a hard one to accept, but your attachment to comfort may be stealing your joy.

Dr. John Izzo, the author of The Five Thieves of Happiness, says comfort is “holding on to outdated practices that may have worked in the past.”

For example, have you ever not taken a chance because you were comfortable?

Have you continued wearing clothes long past their due date simply because they’re comfortable?

Have you gotten stuck in a rut because you got comfortable?

It happens.

Take time to assess your comfort levels and consider whether they are helping or hindering you.


5. Temporary Fixes

Many people make the mistake of seeking quick fixes for happiness. They live in an “if/then” world.

If I get a new car, then I’ll be happy.

If I find a different job, then I’ll be happy.

If I go on that trip, then I’ll be happy.

And, sure, you may be happy when you get these things. But it isn’t lasting joy.

Lasting joy comes internally, not from one-time experiences or purchases.

My joy comes from my family, my friends, my pup, and the stories I’ve tucked deep in my heart.

Where does your joy come from?