For Now, Let’s Just Dream


Starting another week of social distancing at home with the girls home from school has me dreaming about the future. At this point, dreaming is the only way we are going or doing anything, so we might as well start dreaming big about our lives after this is all over. While I don’t think our lives will ever be the same after the coronavirus pandemic, I do have hope that the world will right itself, and in time, we will be able go, see, do, and feel the same way we did before we were told to stay home.


Oh, The Places We’ll Go

I love to travel and, like so many others, my travel plans have come to a complete standstill. Spring break trips have been canceled and weekend getaways rescheduled. While it is disappointing, I do know I will travel again. So, while I am stuck in the house, I am dreaming about all the places I will go when the doors reopen. I’m thinking somewhere warm and tropical. And, while I’m dreaming about it, I might as well go ahead and order some tropical attire for the trip.


Oh, The People We’ll See

For many (like my girls), the hardest part of this whole thing is not being able to see the people we love outside of those we live with. It is so hard to explain to your kids why they can’t have playdates or meet up with their school friends. And as much as I appreciate being able to FaceTime or have Zoom video calls, I am already dreaming about the day when I can have drinks in person with my girlfriends. I’m already making a list of who I want to see and planning where to meet when the day arrives.


Oh, The Things We’ll Do

I imagine most of you reading this have already started to realize the things you took for granted like I have. Libraries, museums, gyms, restaurants – all closed. When we hear the word “open for business,” I imagine we will all rush to those places we love the most and have missed during our days at home. In the in-between time, I am taking my girls on virtual field trips to zoos and museums, and I’m taking advantage of the public library’s free electronic resources. But when the world re-opens, I will do ALL THE THINGS.


Oh, The Way We’ll Feel

Right now, we are all just doing our best to make it through this strange and unusual time – especially with kids at home. But being stuck at home for days on end can make anyone start to feel a little claustrophobic and anxious. So, I’m sure when we hear that the numbers are decreasing or, even better, that they’ve found a cure, we will feel instant relief. And yet, I hope we hold on to some of the way we are feeling right now. For many, the extra family time has been much needed, and the forced social distancing has made some people more social online. We’ve felt more empathetic and patient and kind. I hope those feelings don’t go away.

What are you dreaming, friends?