Forget the Baby Registry. Here are 10 Things Moms Really Need (or Want)
/Being in the mom blog sphere, I am constantly seeing people ask about mom must-haves. However, my baby registry days are over. And, as any experienced mom will tell you, half the stuff you register for you do not even need. But, now that I’ve been doing this mom thing for a few years now, I think I have a good grasp on what moms really need (or want).
I invite you to read over my list of ten things and respond with the things you would recommend as dream mom must-haves.
1. A Giant Bag
During the diaper years, you are going to need a big bag. Period. You will not be able to leave the house without a giant Mary Poppins-sized bag full of mom tricks. Fortunately, designers have seen the need, and today you can find gorgeous designer diaper bags that look more purse-like than boxy diaper bags.
2. A Netflix Subscription
In the baby days, you will find Netflix is your new best friend. Netflix is the one who will be there for you during the middle of the night feeding sessions. And, as your children grow and you head back to work, Netflix will be there for you in the evenings when you are too tired to think.
3. A Meal Delivery Service
Many moms find they are so busy and so tired that they can’t even see straight – let alone plan out healthy meals for the family. Make it easier on yourself by subscribing to a meal delivery service like Hello Fresh.
4. A Regular Babysitter
It is so easy to let date night take a backseat after you have kids, but it is so important to stay connected with your spouse. The problem for many moms is that they don’t have a regular babysitter. We just want a babysitter that we trust that is reliable! Why is that so hard to find?
5. Endless Amounts of Coffee
Moms want (and need) all the coffee. Really people should just be handed out coffee for free to moms they see on the street. We need it. We are tired. There is a big possibility we did not get enough sleep. Just give us the coffee!
6. A Workout Routine
Not all moms like to work out, but working out has been proven to not only keep you healthy physically but also mentally healthy. If we have just a few minutes every day to get those endorphins up, we should do it. But, again, it is not that easy! If you are finding it hard to get to the gym, consider signing up for online courses.
7. A House Cleaner
Do I even need to explain this one? Ha! All moms secretly fantasize of coming home to a clean home, but realistically, our homes are filled with children. And children are messy.
8. A Personal Wine Fridge
Drinking wine out of a plastic cup. #momlife
In the evenings, many moms like to wine-down. If this is you, invest in a personal wine fridge ensuring you never run out when you need it the most - like a day filled with work complications and toddler tantrums.
9. Something Pretty Just for Herself
As a mom, it is very easy to shop for your kids instead of yourself. You deserve something pretty for yourself! I splurge on beautiful shoes. The shoes are all mine, and they remind me I more than just “mom.”
10. A Camera or an Excellent Photographer
While many of the things on this list are things we want but don’t necessarily need, I firmly believe all moms need photographs of their kids. If you have camera skills, then invest in a quality camera. If you’d rather have professional photos done, then book a photographer whose work you love. Just remember to print the photos out and frame them!