Ten Minutes to Feel Like a Better Mom


Sometimes I feel like I am alone in my feelings of mom guilt, but I know this is untrue. We ALL suffer from mom guilt. It feels like we never have enough to give our kids – I feel like I never have enough time or energy.  

However, I recently stumbled upon an idea that is already making a huge difference in my home. Even when my days are incredibly busy, if I can just give each of my girls ten minutes of my attention, they are happier and less needy. And, I let go of some of my mom guilt. It sounds crazy, but it really works. In just twenty minutes (10 per kid), I have bonded more with daughters, heard more about their daily lives and dislikes and interests, and relaxed more.


Give Them Your Undivided Attention

The key to the whole ten minutes with your child is to give them ten minutes of undivided attention. This means your phone has to be down, the tv has to be off, and you have to stop doing whatever mom multi-tasking you are doing for those ten minutes. Kids know when we are paying attention and when we are not. During these ten minutes, look your child in the eye. Show them how much you love them with just your presence and undivided attention.


Tune in to Their Wants and Needs

Sometimes in this helicopter parenting generation, we lose sight of what our kids actually want and need. Instead, we are so focused on what we want for them and keeping them safe. However, the latest advice is to tune in to your kids' needs. Rather than hovering and directing, sit back and enjoy them for the little people they are. This means that during those ten minutes you should be focused on tuning in to your child’s wants and needs – and not trying to do or talk about what you want. That’ll be hard, but it will be worth it!


A Safe Time to Talk

If you have already taken the first two tips to heart, then this one will be easy. By giving your kids your undivided attention and tuning in to them, they will recognize that these ten minutes are a safe time to talk. They will feel comfortable coming to you about something they may have been fearful of before. They will be more willing to talk about the stuff happening at school or sharing their hopes and dreams.


Some Ideas for Ways You Can Connect in Just Ten Minutes

Now, I know for some of you that this sounds difficult. Some moms aren’t “play on the floor” kind of moms – and that is 100% okay! Again, the point is to tune into your kid, so if it does involve playing on the floor, you can probably handle it for ten minutes. But ten minutes ONLY! 😉

You can also use the time to talk about their day or cuddle. Watch silly YouTube videos together or read a book aloud. My girls love doing little hallway fashion shows – it’s quick and easy, but it makes them feel extra special.

What will you do with your ten minutes? Let me know in the comments!