Learning to Play Piano is Easier Than Ever Before


For many years, having a piano in your home was a sign of your social status. In foyers of wealthy homes, a grand piano would sit in the middle of the room for decoration. But, for me, a piano in your home is really a sign of creativity. Where music lives, creativity abounds.

However, as a working mom in NYC, I understand that owning a piano isn’t always as easy as it looks. You can’t simply go to a store, pick out a piano, and go home. Owning a piano is an investment. They are expensive and take up a good amount of space. So, you don’t want to rush into purchasing one – especially if you aren’t sure your kid will continue with his or her lessons.

Fortunately, PianoPiano has made it much easier to bring the music of a piano into your home and your children’s lives.

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Music Lessons are Good for Your Brain

Before you say you don’t need a piano, you need to recognize the benefits of music lessons – specifically piano lessons. Multiple studies suggest that music lessons help with language development, higher IQs, and improved test scores. If you want to give your child an extra chance at success, introduce the piano.

According to Forbes, “After nine months of weekly training in piano or voice, new research shows young students' IQs rose nearly three points more than their untrained peers. [A] Canadian study lends support to the idea that musical training may do more for kids than simply teach them their scales--it exercises parts of the brain useful in mathematics, spatial intelligence and other intellectual pursuits.”


Why You Need a Piano in Your Home

Unfortunately, there has been a decline in the number of people with a piano in their homes. One of the foremost reasons for this is the high costs. Another reason is that parents are skipping piano lessons for other extracurriculars. These are both poor reasons.

Having a piano in your home will allow your children to learn to play the piano in a safe place. They will learn to appreciate music and instruments. It will become the center of creativity in your home, as well as a space for calm. And, most importantly, if you want your child to learn to play the piano, then you need to provide regular access to a piano. Since you can rent a piano instead of buying one, cost is no longer a hindrance.


Why It is Better to Rent a Piano

Now with that being said, I know most moms aren’t able to drop a lot of money on a piano. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have one, though. Instead, one of the most practical ways to embrace the piano is to rent a piano. Many people don’t realize this is possible, but PianoPiano has been the piano rental company of New York City since 1975, servicing everyone from families to Broadway stars and beyond.


When you rent a piano, it’s like you get to take it on a test run before spending too much money on the wrong one. And, if you choose to own a piano, PianoPiano will let you put your first 12 months of rental toward the purchase of the piano you’re renting or any other of equal or greater value.


PianoPiano Offers an Easy and Convenient Way to Bring Music to Your Home

Here’s the good news – renting a piano is super easy and convenient! PianoPiano will help you choose the right piano for your needs. Then, you choose a short-term or long-term plan, and whatever rate you have at the beginning is the rate you keep for the duration of the rental. Once you decide, you place your order, and PianoPiano delivers the piano directly to your home. They even provide any tuning and maintenance you may need for your piano!


PianoPiano Has a Variety of Size Options Perfect for all NYC Homes

Here’s even more good news – PianoPiano knows not every home is built the same. That’s why they offer a variety of pianos in a variety of sizes and budgets for players of all different skill levels. With NYC homes ranging from small apartments to large townhouses, clients will be happy to discover they have pianos that will be just the fit – no matter your space. They even offer silent pianos for those in NYC apartments!


A Piano Rental Makes a Special Holiday Gift

I have been thrilled with PianoPiano’s service. I love how easy they have made it to bring music into our home, and I am still tickled every time I see my daughters sitting on the piano bench practicing their skills.

Professionals brought the piano to our home and helped us find the perfect spot for it. They tuned it and got it ready for my daughter to play. Once the PianoPiano professionals set it up, Madison got busy learning to play piano by going to The Piano Workshop at Bergen County and she is preparing for her first recital in January.


Renting a piano for Madison has been one of my best parenting decisions! If you are looking for a last-minute gift that will thrill your kids, exercise their brains, and save you some money, then you must check out PianoPiano.