8 Fun Ways to Spoil Your Pup During National Dog Week


Did you know that National Dog Week is this week?

This annual celebration of dogs, which takes place the last full week of September, began in 1928.

After the WWI war hero returned home, Captain Judy began publishing Dog World magazine and then designated the last week of September to man’s best friend.

According to Dog.com, Captain Judy believed “a week-long celebration was the least that could be done to recognize the service and the unwavering loyalty of man’s best friend.”

For those who follow me on Instagram, you know that our family gained a four-legged family member named Milo last year.

Since Milo’s first birthday and National Dog Week fall back to back, I feel like it is the perfect time to spoil him a bit!

And because I know all of our dogs become family, I thought I’d share my ideas with my fellow dog lovers.

Take Your Dog on a Car Ride

A quick and easy way to bring a smile to your dog’s face is to take him or her on a car ride. Recently, Milo went with me to pick the girls up from school. It was a treat for him and my girls! They were delighted to see him in the carline… and he was delighted to hang his head out the window.

Buy a New Toy

Milo has plenty of toys, but National Dog Week provides the perfect excuse to get him a new toy to destroy. Just no toys with squeakers!

Splurge on a Pet Resort and Spa

There are some amazing pet resorts that cater to dogs, such as New York Dog Spa & Hotel. These unique facilities offer upscale boarding, as well as doggie day camp and grooming spas. For pups that deserve a bit of pampering and playtime, this is an excellent choice.

Visit a Local Dog Park

If you want to spoil your pup without spending any money, plan a visit to your local dog park. Milo loves making new friends at the dog park. He gets excited as soon as he sees the gates!

Eat at a Dog-Friendly Restaurant

When your family heads to lunch or dinner this weekend, choose a dog-friendly restaurant. Most of these restaurants offer water dishes, but some even offer doggie treats or specialty dog menus.

Purchase Matching Outfits

I will use any excuse I have to buy Milo a new outfit, so obviously, National Dog Week requires a new outfit or two. I especially love finding a doggie sweater that coordinates with clothes my daughters wear.

Host a Puppy Playdate

Want to be the coolest dog mom on the block? Host a puppy playdate in your backyard! Put out a bunch of tennis balls, sticks, ropes, and maybe even a little pool, and you will have a PAW-TY!

Bake a Special Doggy Treat

National Dog Week is a great time to let your pup have a little something extra, like a pupcake. A pupcake is a cupcake made with dog-safe ingredients. Here’s a recipe from Love from the Oven.

If baking isn’t your thing, you can also purchase a pupcake or cookie from a local pet store or bakery. There is also dog ice cream, such as Purina Frosty Paws, available in most grocery stores – including Target!

How will you celebrate National Dog Week? Let me know in the comments!

8 Reasons We Decided to Get a Fur Baby


I am happy to introduce you to the newest member of our family, a fur baby named Milo. Milo is a Havanese puppy. After years of begging, we finally decided to get our girls a dog. What made us decide to finally give in to their requests for a family dog? Beyond Milo simply being the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen, there are other reasons why we made the commitment to welcome four extra paws into our family.


1. Teach Responsibility

One of the main reasons we decided to get a family dog is because we believe our girls are at an age where they can help take care of him. When they were younger, all the responsibility fell on me. And I didn’t know one more thing to take care of. Now that they are older, we are hoping owning a dog will help teach responsibility. They will be responsible for feeding him and picking up his toys.

2. Foster Empathy

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), “Multiple studies showed that children who owned pets were more empathetic towards others.” Learning to care for a dog helps foster compassion and empathy for people and animals other than themselves.


3. Find Comfort

Dogs are the ultimate teddy bear. They comfort kids and make kids feel supported. It’s one reason why comfort dogs show up after major disasters or events that are anxiety-inducing. Just being in the presence of a dog can alleviate stress.

4. Boost Self-Esteem

As kids take responsibility, their self-esteem grows. Kids are proud of themselves for being big enough to help. Likewise, as they feel comforted and supported, their self-esteem improves.


5. Built-In Companionship

A dog is essentially a built-in playmate for a kid. Dogs love wholeheartedly, and kids reap the benefits of their unwavering love. Plus, dogs can help kids develop social skills. For example, Momtastic reports, “A University of Missouri study found that children with autism have stronger social skills when a dog lives in the home. ‘Children were more likely to engage in behaviors such as introducing themselves, asking for information, or responding to other people’s questions,’ says Gretchen Carlisle, a research fellow who helped in the study.

6. Get Active

Dogs need exercise, which means your kids get exercise. One of the girls’ responsibilities will be playing with the dog outside. Dogs make fewer messes when they get enough physical activity, so we are making that a priority. Not only will this help kids stay active, but it will also force them to put down their devices and head outside.


7. Stay Safe

Dogs have great ears. They can hear things humans can’t. As a result, they can alert us to danger. With a dog, you get a built-in security system. For this reason, many kids feel safe having a dog in the home.

8. Have Fun

Last but certainly not least, having a dog is fun! Who doesn’t love puppy cuddles or playing fetch? We have only had Milo for a few days and our home is already more fun!

What dog tips do you have for me? We need them! Post them in the comments.