The 6 Best Types of Birthday Gifts for Adults


I recently celebrated a birthday. Another long year and another long number added to my age. I believe birthdays should be celebrated – no matter how many birthdays you have had. 😉

Unfortunately, I have noticed that as we get older, we celebrate birthdays less and less. I’m here to say – no more! Birthdays are not just for kids or milestone birthdays!

But, let’s face it. It is hard, as an adult, to decide how to celebrate an adult’s birthday. What do you give a woman who already has everything she needs? (Keyword – needs NOT wants.)

If you have a birthday coming up or are searching for ideas for a friend’s upcoming birthday, I proudly present the 6 best types of gifts for adults. We each have a celebration type – look through the six ideas below to see which one best fits.

A Grown-Up Party


Does your loved one love a good party? If so, then a grown-up birthday party is a great choice for celebrating the birthday gal. Replace the kid’s party themes with fancy décor. Swap kid’s foods for an elaborate spread, a five-course dinner, or delicious hors d'oeuvres with adult beverages. Some people like nothing more than partying by their friends and family. If this sounds like your loved one, a party’s the way to go.

Travel to Somewhere Special


Does your loved one have the travel bug? Has she always wanted to go somewhere exotic? Birthdays are the perfect excuse for traveling. Just make sure you choose to travel to somewhere special for the birthday girl. I was lucky enough to be traveling in Japan for my birthday this year – I highly recommend it!

The Perfect Present


Is your loved one’s love language gifts? If so, then it is time to go shopping! For many women, receiving the perfect present shows them they are loved and known. When it comes to shopping for the perfect present, do not look for things she needs. Instead, this is when you buy the special items she wants.

The Gift of Experience


Does your loved one have a thirst for adventure? Rather than throwing a big party or searching for the perfect present, this person will be happiest with a gift of experience. Think adventures such as sky-diving or snorkeling or seeing a Broadway show.

A Day of Rest


Does your loved one work her butt off day in and day out taking care of everyone else but herself? If so, then you should treat her to a day of rest. For some women, this may mean sleeping in and breakfast in bed. For others, this may mean a day at the spa or a day alone.

Act Like a Kid


Now, there are times when it is perfectly appropriate (and absolutely necessary) to act like a kid. If your friend is feeling especially old on her birthday, this may be just the right moment to remind her that she isn’t. Take her to an amusement park or out to the dive bar you frequented in college.

Which of these 6 birthday gifts appeals to you the most? Let me know in the comments!