Skincare for COVID Mask Woes


No matter your stance on wearing a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic, you are going to have to wear one. Whether it is required where you live or by your employees, mask wearing is the new norm.

I am all about doing what I can to protect others, and mask wearing is one way to do so. However, many mask wearers are discovering that their masks are causing a lot of skin problems. There is even a new term called mask-ne, which refers to acne adults are getting from wearing masks.

CNN explains, “June 20 is the official first day of summer, and summer means increased temperatures and humidity, which could affect both our comfort while wearing a mask and the health of our skin.” Face masks can cause skin irritation from where they rest on your face and cause friction or chaffing. Additionally, face masks can trap all the things, like oil and dirt, that cause acne, eczema, and rosacea.

That’s why it is so important to have a healthy skincare regiment. Your skin needs protection, too.


Choose the Right Kind of Mask

The first thing you should do to protect your skin when wearing a face mask is to choose the right kind of mask. Now that the mask shortage is over and you can find masks practically anywhere, you want to invest in masks that are good for your skin.

Dr. Harold Lancer of Lancer Skincare explains to CNN, “If you’re making your own mask, use simple 100% cotton fabric to construct it. The more synthetic a material is, the more heat retention occurs on the skin that is covered by the mask. This will likely lead to irritation, so make sure to avoid those.” This also applies to the masks you purchase. And don’t forget to wash your face mask!


Heal Irritated Skin

If you are in a situation where you are required to wear a face mask for an extended period, you may be dealing with skin irritation or redness. If this is happening to you, then you should apply a skin healing ointment (such as Aquaphor) to the irritated skin. These types of ointments also work as a barrier to protect the skin from the rubbing face mask.


Maintain Your Skin Care Routine

It is critical that you maintain your skincare routine while wearing a face mask. Each morning and evening, you should wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser. Another part of your routine should include using facial moisturizer. In addition to mask woes, you are also dealing with the heat of the summer. Your skin needs to be moisturized.


Skip Makeup Under the Mask

If you stopped wearing makeup over the quarantine, you might be itching to “put on your face.” But you may want to hold off for a while if you are wearing a face mask. Dermatologists do not recommend wearing makeup under a face mask because it will create even more skin issues. If you absolutely must wear makeup under your face mask, then keep it minimal.

Skincare by Loreal explains, “Higher temperatures, wearing more makeup and wearing a mask can be a recipe for clogged pores and irritation. Avoiding heavy, comedogenic products is a good idea in the summer, but even more so when wearing a mask.”


Protect Your Lips

Lastly, don’t forget to protect your lips under the mask. While it is pointless (and messy) to wear lipstick under a face mask, you should wear a moisturizing lip product, such as petroleum jelly or beeswax, to prevent chapped or dry lips.