Skincare for COVID Mask Woes


No matter your stance on wearing a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic, you are going to have to wear one. Whether it is required where you live or by your employees, mask wearing is the new norm.

I am all about doing what I can to protect others, and mask wearing is one way to do so. However, many mask wearers are discovering that their masks are causing a lot of skin problems. There is even a new term called mask-ne, which refers to acne adults are getting from wearing masks.

CNN explains, “June 20 is the official first day of summer, and summer means increased temperatures and humidity, which could affect both our comfort while wearing a mask and the health of our skin.” Face masks can cause skin irritation from where they rest on your face and cause friction or chaffing. Additionally, face masks can trap all the things, like oil and dirt, that cause acne, eczema, and rosacea.

That’s why it is so important to have a healthy skincare regiment. Your skin needs protection, too.


Choose the Right Kind of Mask

The first thing you should do to protect your skin when wearing a face mask is to choose the right kind of mask. Now that the mask shortage is over and you can find masks practically anywhere, you want to invest in masks that are good for your skin.

Dr. Harold Lancer of Lancer Skincare explains to CNN, “If you’re making your own mask, use simple 100% cotton fabric to construct it. The more synthetic a material is, the more heat retention occurs on the skin that is covered by the mask. This will likely lead to irritation, so make sure to avoid those.” This also applies to the masks you purchase. And don’t forget to wash your face mask!


Heal Irritated Skin

If you are in a situation where you are required to wear a face mask for an extended period, you may be dealing with skin irritation or redness. If this is happening to you, then you should apply a skin healing ointment (such as Aquaphor) to the irritated skin. These types of ointments also work as a barrier to protect the skin from the rubbing face mask.


Maintain Your Skin Care Routine

It is critical that you maintain your skincare routine while wearing a face mask. Each morning and evening, you should wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser. Another part of your routine should include using facial moisturizer. In addition to mask woes, you are also dealing with the heat of the summer. Your skin needs to be moisturized.


Skip Makeup Under the Mask

If you stopped wearing makeup over the quarantine, you might be itching to “put on your face.” But you may want to hold off for a while if you are wearing a face mask. Dermatologists do not recommend wearing makeup under a face mask because it will create even more skin issues. If you absolutely must wear makeup under your face mask, then keep it minimal.

Skincare by Loreal explains, “Higher temperatures, wearing more makeup and wearing a mask can be a recipe for clogged pores and irritation. Avoiding heavy, comedogenic products is a good idea in the summer, but even more so when wearing a mask.”


Protect Your Lips

Lastly, don’t forget to protect your lips under the mask. While it is pointless (and messy) to wear lipstick under a face mask, you should wear a moisturizing lip product, such as petroleum jelly or beeswax, to prevent chapped or dry lips.

Quarantine Pampering – With Stuff You Already Have at Home


If quarantine has you missing your beauty pampering, you are not alone. According to reports, “Consumers in coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown are looking forward to plenty the other side, but beauty therapy tops the ranks – way ahead of eating out, socializing and travel.” We miss getting our hail and nails done and feeling a little bit pampered. I am a fan of spas as much as the next gal, but I understand it may be a while before my spa days look normal. In the meantime, here are some of the things I am doing to pamper myself after a long day working and homeschooling my girls.

Clear Out Old Makeup

Now that I have a little bit more time at home, I am going through my makeup stash and getting rid of old makeup or makeup that I don’t love. At the same time, I am also getting rid of skin care products I no longer use. It is amazing how much makeup and skincare products we can accumulate! By clearing out the excess, it is much easier to find the makeup and products I love and use on a regular basis.

Clean Your Brushes

Along those same lines, this is also the perfect time to clean your makeup brushes. Here is a method from Style Blueprint:

1.       Apply a pea-sized amount of facial cleanser in your palm.

2.       Wet your brush under warm water and swirl the brush head in your palm, in a circular motion, for several seconds.

3.       Rinse your brush under warm water again and massage the brush bristles between your fingers to thoroughly wash out all of the suds.

Maintain Your Skincare Routine

Since we are staying home and not seeing people in person (or at least not within 6 feet), it is easy to let our skincare routine slide. Don’t make this mistake! Instead of letting your skincare routine slip, you should use this time to master it.

Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

There are so many at-home facial products readily available, from face masks to face sheets to face peels. You can order them online or purchase them from a local pharmacy. But, I have a feeling you have plenty of facial products in your makeup cabinet that you haven’t gotten around to using – now is the time!

Befriend Your Tweezer

If you haven’t touched your brows since the shelter-in-place orders were announced, your brows are in trouble. I know many of you are scared to tweeze them, but you have the time to get fully acquainted with your brows. Check out InStyle’s How to Groom Your Own Eyebrows — Without Making a Disastrous Mistake for a step-by-step guide.

Enjoy a Pedicure and Manicure

I’m not quite convinced that an at-home Mani and Pedi is as good as your local salon, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I do think you can do a better job of your nails than you typically would because you have more time. So, get out all your nail products and take your time.

Watch YouTube Instructional Videos

This is also the time to master a new look. After you put the kids to bed or while they are napping, try to follow along with a makeup tutorial on YouTube. You may finally learn how to contour or create the perfect smoky eye. And, if you mess up, it’s no big deal because no one is going to see you!

Does Your Skin Have the Winter Weather Blues? Here are My Best Tips


I love the changing seasons – especially winter. I love the snow and the excuse to cuddle under warm blankets. I especially love having clear reasons to wear all my favorite winter clothing items and accessories like boots and scarves.

What I don’t like about winter is the way it wreaks havoc on my skin. As all women know, the chill of the winter air leaves our skin feeling dry, itchy, and chapped. And who wants that?! After dealing with dry skin and NYC winters, I have learned some tricks to make my skin feel soft and nourished even on the coldest, driest days.

I’m sharing my winter skin wisdom with you below.

Moisturize and Moisturize Some More

As the winter air dries out your skin, you can battle the dryness by using moisturizers all day long every single day. Put on a good moisturizer after you shower. Keep lotions in your purses, on your nightstand, and in your car. Anytime you feel dry, lotion up. I love Olay Whips to keep my skin feeling soft and nourished all winter long.

Avoid Hot Water Baths and Showers

Yes, you are cold, and nothing sounds better than a hot, steamy shower. Unfortunately, those hot showers only dry your skin out even more. Instead, use lukewarm water for your showers and washing your face. You’ll thank me later.

Lip Balm is Your Winter BFF

My lips are constantly dry day and night during the wintertime, so I always have lip balm nearby. On my nightstand, in every one of my purses, in the pockets of my coats, and the car. I like to use Blistex Superfruit Soothers because it includes ingredients with antioxidants and vitamins C & E. Plus, with SPF 15, it protects my lips from even more protection.

Just Because It Is Cold Does Not Mean the Sun Doesn’t Shine

Too many people forget to wear SPF during the winter because they mistakenly believe that since it is cold, the sun doesn’t shine. Wrong! You should use SPF every day, including the winter. Plus, the sun reflects off snow and ice and can do damage to your skin.

Drink Water All Day Long Every Day

Possibly the best way to keep your skin hydrated during the winter is to drink water. Healthy skin is just one of the many benefits of drinking water. You can also use water-based products like Neutrogena Hydro Blast Water Gel to keep your skin hydrated in the winter.

Switch Out Your Summer Products for Winter Ones

Last but not least, you need to change out your beauty and skincare products. As much as we love our products, this is something we neglect to do. The stuff you put on your skin in the summer should be different than the stuff you put on your skin in the winter. Why? In winter, you need products that moisturize whereas in summer you need products that keep you from being oily. Likewise, since winter air is hard on your lips, it is best to skip matte lipsticks.

What tips do you have for having beautiful radiant skin during the winter?

Using Neutrogena's Tried & True products!

This content is sponsored by Neutrogena. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

As a working mom in the big city, my routine in the morning and at night is usually very short on time and spending it taking care of my face usually takes a backseat.  The weather this winter has been particularly brutal and my face always feels tired and dry.  I've been wanting to reset my morning (and night) routine and focus a little more effort into taking care of my face and hydrating it


I am working with Neutrogena and Rite Aid to try three of their tried & true products and see how they change my morning and night routines taking care of my face.  My skin sometimes breaks out in the morning and feels tired especially during the winter months. With the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Foaming Scrub, it deep cleans and washes off any roughness or blackheads without over-drying my face.  My face feels clean and I can see the acne go away after several washes.


After my scrub I’ll try the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel to keep my face from getting dry throughout the day if I’m out in the cold.  The moment I put it on, I feel it absorbed into the skin.  It’s not oily and my skin feels refreshed.  The best thing about the Hydro Boost is that I have this non oily fresh feeling throughout the day.  My face doesn’t get dry and it doesn’t feel as tired as it used to. 


Doing this routine morning and night has changed the way my face feels now.  When I go to work my face feels uplifted and not dry at all.  When I go to bed, my face actually feels fresh and smooth and best of all, hydrated giving me a great night's sleep.

Another great Neutrogena product that I use daily and is a must-have in my routine is the Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes & wipes.  They are my go-to after my long day of work to help me remove the thickest and heaviest makeup.  They clean with ease but are also gentle on my skin.  I use this before cleaning my skin at night.


I purchased these items at Rite Aid and now there is a great deal on Neutrogena Skin Care.   It will be Buy 1, Get 1 at 50% off during the weeks of 2/4, 2/18 and 2/25. During the week of 2/4 when you use your Rite Aid Wellness+ Card, for every $40 you spend, you will receive $15 in Bonus Cash towards your next visit.  Check out this page for more and pick up these products at a great price!  What a great way to stock up on more Neutrogena skin products!


OLAY Whips Moisturizer


Picking a moisturizer is very hard for me.  It seems like I'm trying new moisturizers every few months because it's so hard to find the right one.  I have very sensitive skin so I am very picky with my moisturizers.  Some are too oily, some are too thick, and some have a smell that are too strong and I'm unable to use. 


Olay Luminous Whip solves all those issues.  Whip is a powerful moisturizer that has a light as air finish.  No more oily and thick creams.  With its Active Rush Technology, Olay Luminous Whip is able to transform from a cream to a liquid on the skin allowing for very fast absorption.  That's why when I put it on my hand or face, it feels incredibly smooth and absorbs right away without getting all oily.  



Within a week I felt the effects of smooth and soft skin from Olay Luminous Whip.  It's so light and my skin is breathable right after I put it on.  With the winter coming, I need this moisturizer more than ever to keep my hands and my face from drying and cracking.  It's a must have addition to my morning and bedtime routine.

I love that they have three kinds of Olay Whip moisturizers to fit your needs.  Olay Regenerist Whip helps with wrinkles without the heaviness.  Olay Total Effects Whip nourishes your face with fast absorption.  Olay Luminous Whip delivers a radiance to your face without the oily shine.


Make sure to order the amazing Olay Whip Moisturizer here and see for yourself how this light cream can change your opinions about moisturizers!

This content is sponsored by Olay.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.