Quarantine Pampering – With Stuff You Already Have at Home


If quarantine has you missing your beauty pampering, you are not alone. According to reports, “Consumers in coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown are looking forward to plenty the other side, but beauty therapy tops the ranks – way ahead of eating out, socializing and travel.” We miss getting our hail and nails done and feeling a little bit pampered. I am a fan of spas as much as the next gal, but I understand it may be a while before my spa days look normal. In the meantime, here are some of the things I am doing to pamper myself after a long day working and homeschooling my girls.

Clear Out Old Makeup

Now that I have a little bit more time at home, I am going through my makeup stash and getting rid of old makeup or makeup that I don’t love. At the same time, I am also getting rid of skin care products I no longer use. It is amazing how much makeup and skincare products we can accumulate! By clearing out the excess, it is much easier to find the makeup and products I love and use on a regular basis.

Clean Your Brushes

Along those same lines, this is also the perfect time to clean your makeup brushes. Here is a method from Style Blueprint:

1.       Apply a pea-sized amount of facial cleanser in your palm.

2.       Wet your brush under warm water and swirl the brush head in your palm, in a circular motion, for several seconds.

3.       Rinse your brush under warm water again and massage the brush bristles between your fingers to thoroughly wash out all of the suds.

Maintain Your Skincare Routine

Since we are staying home and not seeing people in person (or at least not within 6 feet), it is easy to let our skincare routine slide. Don’t make this mistake! Instead of letting your skincare routine slip, you should use this time to master it.

Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

There are so many at-home facial products readily available, from face masks to face sheets to face peels. You can order them online or purchase them from a local pharmacy. But, I have a feeling you have plenty of facial products in your makeup cabinet that you haven’t gotten around to using – now is the time!

Befriend Your Tweezer

If you haven’t touched your brows since the shelter-in-place orders were announced, your brows are in trouble. I know many of you are scared to tweeze them, but you have the time to get fully acquainted with your brows. Check out InStyle’s How to Groom Your Own Eyebrows — Without Making a Disastrous Mistake for a step-by-step guide.

Enjoy a Pedicure and Manicure

I’m not quite convinced that an at-home Mani and Pedi is as good as your local salon, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I do think you can do a better job of your nails than you typically would because you have more time. So, get out all your nail products and take your time.

Watch YouTube Instructional Videos

This is also the time to master a new look. After you put the kids to bed or while they are napping, try to follow along with a makeup tutorial on YouTube. You may finally learn how to contour or create the perfect smoky eye. And, if you mess up, it’s no big deal because no one is going to see you!