Why Grown-Ups Should Make Christmas Wish Lists Too


Have you ever received a bad Christmas gift? Or a duplicate gift? Or a gift that made it seem like the gift-giver did not know you at all? This happens all the time! I have received questionable gifts even from the people who know me best! This is just one of the reasons I believe we should keep making Christmas wish lists – even as adults!

After years adulting, I am at a place in my life where I basically have all I need. And, I often just got to the store or online to buy the things I want. I’m definitely not the only one! Our generation is used to getting the things we want when we want them – without waiting for Santa to place it underneath the Christmas tree.

But, this kind of takes the fun out of receiving gifts at Christmas time. Not only does it make it especially difficult for others to buy you gifts at the holidays, but it also takes away the fun of receiving gifts. Instead, I have started making my personal Christmas wish list alongside my daughters each year. Here’s why.

Your Wants Change Overtime


As the years go by, what you want as a gift will change. When you are just starting out, you will want to fill your home with the basics. When your home has all the basics, you’ll want things that are more personalized. And, when your home is simply filled with things, you’ll want fewer things and more gifts of experiences (such as tickets to Paris). To help the people in your life know what you want this year, fill them in!

No More Guessing


Having a Christmas wish list takes guessing out of the equation. If you are married or in a relationship, you have no doubt hinted at the things you want for Christmas. But, as any woman can tell you, just because you hint doesn’t mean your man is going to get it. You know what he will get? A wish list in writing.

No More Filling Your Home with Stuff You Don’t Love


I try to fill my home and closets with things I love. However, at Christmas, I receive gifts that I am less than crazy about, but then I feel guilty about not using them. This is another reason why I craft a wish list that covers a small variety of things I truly love to share with my family and friends. This helps them find something I will love and use rather than having to guess and purchase something that isn’t my taste.

No More Unnecessary Stress


I love to shop, but Christmas shopping can be stressful. As a shopper, I love to shop and find the perfect presents for the ones I love. But this is a busy time of year and the less time I have to spend browsing the racks to find the perfect present, the better. If someone gives me a wish list, it makes my holiday shopping so much easier. I figure I am doing the same by giving my loved ones a wish list.

The Best Ways to Make a Grown-Up Christmas List


Now that you understand my reasons let’s talk about the appropriate ways to make a grown-up Christmas list.

  1. This is not a kid’s wish list. It should be tasteful and brief. Do not list a ton of things. Stick to the items you would really love to receive as a gift.

  2. With that being said, try to cover different budgets and leave the more extravagant items to those you know can afford it and are likely to make these types of big purchases.

  3. It is perfectly acceptable to ask for gift cards, but you should specify the stores or restaurants you frequent (or those you wish you could).

  4. Use a service such as Giftster. Giftster is a free online gift registry that makes it easy to share your wish lists with family and friends. (Plus, this service can be used for any occasion – think birthdays, too!)