Budget-Friendly Back to School Shopping Tips

2022 has been rough on bank accounts, which is why now is the time to prepare for back to school shopping.

Sure, you still have a while before school starts back. But with inflation, it’s wiser to get a head start on back to school shopping.

One 2022 survey found, “Parents are worried about being able to fill backpacks thanks to ongoing supply chain issues, up 9 percentage points between April and May. The survey found that two-thirds of parents are very concerned about how inflation will impact school shopping.”

We are already seeing how inflation is affecting back to school shopping.

For example, inflation is hitting most industries – including school supplies. Sources suggest the price of school materials may rise by 10 to 25%.

Use these back to school shopping tips to protect your wallet.

Shop Your Closet First

Before you buy the first school supply or new outfit, check your closets!

My girls tend to bring home many school supplies that can be reused the next year, such as calculators, rulers, pens, and pencils.

Instead of buying everything brand new, only replace the items that need replacing.

As much as we love a new wardrobe, keep this same idea in mind.

Don’t buy several new pairs of jeans if the jeans your kids already have look good and fit.

Head to Overstock Stores

I love doing my back to school clothes shopping at overstock stores like T.J. Maxx.

I can purchase my girl’s designer goods at great prices, ensuring they look fabulous, and I have money left over for school supplies.

Shop Online and Kid-Free

When it comes to back to school shopping, try to do it alone.

It is much easier to shop for back to school clothing when your kids aren’t with you since they will want everything they don’t actually need (such as accessories) and items that are higher prices. Plus, it’ll take so much longer!

I find it is much easier to shop online for school supplies and clothing – especially if they offer easy returns.

Some stores, like Target, are even partnering with local schools to have items for school supply lists ready for online ordering.

Get School Supplies at the Drugstore

I always forget drug stores sell school supplies.

Drug stores, such as CVS and Walgreens, offer rewards, and you can use the rewards points you’ve been saving for name brand school supplies.

Use Discounted Gift Cards

Did you know you can purchase discounted gift cards and use them to shop like normal?

This is a great tip for back to school shopping and Christmas shopping.

Sites, such as CardBear, allow you to purchase a gift card for a specific retailer at a lower price.

For example, if you want to purchase a $25 Target gift card, CardBear will take you to a site that is offering the $25 gift card for $20.

Scan While You Shop

Before you purchase anything, do a price comparison.

If you are shopping in a store, use Amazon’s barcode scanner to do a quick price check.

If you are shopping online, use a browser extension, such as Price, to compare prices online for every item you shop for.

Sign Up for Price Drop Alerts

For more expensive purchases, such as school-required electronics, sign up for price drop alerts.

CamelCamelCamel is an easy to use price drop website that will send you a notification when the item you are looking for hits the price range you want.

Buy in Bulk with Friends

You’re not the only parent worried about inflation and back to school shopping.

Ask your friends (or parents of your kid’s classmates) if they are interested in buying supplies in bulk from a wholesaler like Sam’s Club or Amazon.

Then, split the costs using Venmo.

My Go-To Toy Brands

As long as toymakers keep inventing toys that encourage creativity, imagination, and fun, I’m going to keep buying them!

Honestly, the day my girls pack up their toys and say goodbye, I’m going to cry some big Toy Story tears.

Part of the reason is because today’s toys are fantastic.

If you know the right brands, you can purchase toys that are well-made, high-quality, and long-lasting. Plus, they will be toys that not only entertain your kids but teach them something.

That’s likely why Capitol Counselor reports, “In 2020, the US retail sales of toys reached $25.14 billion.”

Parents are willing to spend the money when they see that toys are worthwhile.

Now that my girls are a little bit older, I have noticed that certain toy brands we return to repeatedly. For a good reason! My girls love the toys by these brands, and I don’t feel like I have wasted my money.

So, the next time you are searching for a gift for a kid, look to these go-to toy brands.

American Girl

If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know my girls are huge fans of American Girl Dolls.

These dolls are pricey, but they are worth every penny. The craftsmanship is superb, and I love my daughters having dolls that look like them!

Here is some history about American Girl: “Since the first catalogue debuted in 1986, American Girl has provided inspiring products for each stage of a young girl's development—from her preschool days of baby dolls and fantasy play through her tween years of self-expression and individuality. Through an array of premium-quality books, dolls, clothes, toys, and accessories, American Girl has earned the loyalty of millions of girls and the praise and trust of parents and educators.”


Imaginative play is at the heart of KidKraft products. We have owned several, including kitchens and dollhouses, and I can tell you that they are built to last (and last).

KidKraft makes it easy for kids to pretend and explore.

They say it best: “KidKraft products are sold in more than 90 countries, resulting in infinite smiles from children around the world.”


It’s no surprise that Mattel is a go-to toy brand, bringing in 4.58 billion US dollars last year.

Mattel has been around since 1945 and makes favorites, including Barbie, Hot Wheels, and UNO.

Speaking of Barbie – did you know over 1 billion Barbie dolls have been sold since she first was introduced?

According to Mattel’s About Us, “Mattel creates toys appropriate for children at various developmental stages, designing products to match their current abilities while challenging them so they can learn and grow.”


My girls have owned several VTech toys since they were babies.

These tech-based toys are great educational products that kids are instantly drawn to.

Thankfully, my girls haven’t outgrown VTech yet. But, sadly, the day is coming since the toys are more from elementary and under.

The good news is that they are so well-made that we can pass our well-loved VTech toys down to the next generation.

What are your go-to toy brands?

Yes, You Do Need to Start 2021 Christmas Shopping Now


I’ve always been a proponent of getting your Christmas shopping done by Black Friday at the latest, but 2021 Christmas shopping is proving to be even more challenging.

You’ve likely heard reports from the news about toys possibly running out. As much as you want to believe news organizations are just exaggerating, that is not the case. There is a very real possibility that popular items, even clothing, will run out.

This is all because producers and retailers are still dealing with lingering supply chain issues. Those issues aren’t going to be solved by Christmas.

This is what you need to do to get your 2021 Christmas shopping done early.


Major Shipping Delays

There will be major shipping delays across the country. In fact, there are huge shipping delays even getting stock into the country.

According to Andy Harig of the Food Marketing Institute, “The wait to get into the port at Long Beach [in California] is almost eight days, and we have 56 ships backed up at any given time. There are reports of container ships turning around and not even waiting to get refilled.”

Within the U.S., shipping companies are facing major setups, as well. For instance, the Portland Oregon FedEx facility is currently 65% staffed. They are having to reroute 25% of the volume from its hub by using third-party transportation, which raises costs all the way around.

You also should not expect Amazon's two-day delivery services to work like normal.

Shop online early to guarantee your gifts will make it on time.


Price Hikes

The cost of shipping is forcing retailers to also raise their prices.

ABC 7 NY reports, “Toymaker Mattel whose brands include Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher-Price and American Girl, said in an earnings conference call on Tuesday that it is raising prices in the second half of the year in the run-up to the holiday shopping season.”

What that means for moms and dads is that we shouldn’t wait for a big sale to shop for Christmas presents. Prices won’t be slashed like normal.

It’s a better idea to purchase that hot item when you see it rather than waiting for the price to drop.


Things to Consider When 2021 Christmas Shopping in October

For most of us, it seems early to start 2021 Christmas shopping. But, as you see, this year it is a must. Here are some things to keep in mind as you start shopping for Christmas before Halloween.

  • Check Out 2021 Christmas Shopping Guides – Many of the Christmas wish list guides have already been published. These guides highlight what will likely be the items your kids want that may run out. Start with Amazon’s Toys We Love List.

  • Consider Out-of-the-Box Options: Since the shelves may be empty, consider out-of-the-box options, such as season passes to the zoo, enrollment in an Outschool course, or gift cards to your child’s favorite shop.

  • Think About Storage: One of the issues with shopping this early is having to keep the gifts hidden until you are ready to put them under the tree. Go ahead and have a plan for where you can safely store the gifts until the time comes to pull them out.

  • How to Handle Late Santa Requests: Kids don’t care about supply chain issues. They want that special toy. This year, they may not be able to get it. Start thinking about how you will handle late Santa requests, such as telling your kids the elves had to quarantine and can’t make that gift in time.

When Presents Go Wrong – Prepare Early to Prevent Gift Faux Pas


I’ve already started talking about holiday shopping because we have got to get a jump on it this year. Between supply chain disruptions and second shutdowns, there is a real possibility shopping for gifts will be harder than ever before. And that’s on top of the usual challenge of buying the perfect gift for family and friends.

I love giving gifts, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t ever given a bad gift (I’ve certainly received a few). Unless you have the type of relationship where you can ask directly, “What do you want for Christmas,” it’s up to you to find the perfect present. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when it comes to gift giving because we believe the gift will say something about our relationship with the individual. And there is some truth to that idea.

According to the BBC, “Although giving gifts can make you happy, communicate your feelings toward the receiver and even strengthen relationships, a less-than-stellar gift can have the opposite effect. […] Research has also showed that undesirable gifts can sometimes negatively impact the receiver’s perception of a relationship’s future potential.”

Hence the perfect present pressure. Here are some of the common gift giving faux pas.


Thoughtful or Thoughtless

Your gift will be seen as either thoughtful or thoughtless. A friend shared this Christmas gift story with me:

On the first Christmas with my new sister-in-law, I was excited to finally share the holidays with a new sister. I searched for the perfect feminine gift. I chose a gift set of Lush bath bombs because I absolutely adore my quiet bath time and think Lush products are the best of the best. As we prepared to exchange gifts, my new sister-in-law presented my gift first. She got me a nice neutral colored handbag. It was nice, but it didn’t match my normal bold colors and patterns. She commented that her husband (my brother-in-law) shared that he always gave me bath stuff, and she told him she couldn’t give someone in the family something as mundane as bath products… And then she opened her gift of bath products. We didn’t know one another well enough yet and were trying to be thoughtful, but both of our gifts looked thoughtless.

Have you ever chosen a gift that later seemed thoughtless? Have you ever been given something that showed the gift giver didn’t really know you?

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Big Spender or Cheap

There is also the worry of whether the gift(s) you choose will make you look like a big spender or a cheapskate. If you spend significantly more, the other person may feel uncomfortable. On the other side, if you spend significantly less, you worry they will think you don’t care enough to spend more money on their gift.


Prevent Gift Giving Anxiety with the Help of a Gift Advisor

If these types of worries cause you to suffer from gift-giving anxiety, you’re not alone. Many women feel stressed about buying perfect presents for everyone in their life. The problem is that we just don’t have time to work, take care of kids, and buy a worry-free gift for everyone on our list.

That’s where a gift advisor comes in. I am honored to work as a gift advisor for Neiman Marcus. Gift advisors take the guesswork out of holiday gift giving and will curate a list of the perfect presents for everyone on your list. Simply take a quiz to identify your gift giving needs to be paired with a gift advising expert.

7 Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season


Christmas is right around the corner. As much as I love all the holiday fun, sometimes it hurts my wallet. It is super easy to overspend at the holidays and wind up paying for your Christmas gifts well into the new year. Don’t feel too bad if this sounds familiar. According to CNBC, “A new holiday survey from American Express Pay It Plan It found that 86% of millennials (23 to 38) spent more money during the holidays last year than they planned to. Of those who overspent, about one in five (21%) went over budget by approximately $500 or more.”

Don’t fret. With these 7 tips, you can save money this holiday season while still enjoying all the holiday cheer.


1. Create a Budget

Before you begin holiday shopping, you need to create a budget. Make a list of every person you plan to buy gifts for and set a budget for how much you are willing to spend per person. Prioritize the list. For example, designate more money for your immediate family members and less money for your co-workers.

Note – Stick to your budget. It’s pointless if you make a budget and don’t follow it.

2. Prioritize Your Spending

When budgeting, think beyond gift giving. We tend to spend a lot of money during the holidays on extras, such as holiday décor, entertainment, and food. Limit the extras on your budget. Plan for those things you know you must have and allocate a certain amount. For example, you know you will have a holiday meal, so set aside money for it now rather than going overboard when the day comes.

On the same note, be sure to include stocking stuffers in your family’s gift budget. If you aren’t careful, you can wind up blowing your budget on these little things.


3. Only Buy Items on Sale

Make it a rule this holiday shopping season to only buy items on sale. Refuse to pay the full price for anything. Thankfully, technology makes this super easy. For example, go ahead and set a price drop alert for the hot toy item on your child’s wish list using Camel Camel Camel, which tracks Amazon price drops. Look for coupons online before you click buy (or on your smartphone while shopping in-store). Use price comparison apps to make sure you are getting the best price.

4. Start Shopping Now

Sadly, 2020 production is still slower than usual, so anticipate delays and products running out. If your child wants a popular toy, it is better to go ahead and buy it than risk waiting and not be able to find it. The good news is most big stores have already started Black Friday and holiday deals now.

5. Shop Online

You can save money shopping online this holiday season. According to a First Insight report, “89 percent of women and 78 percent of men who visit physical stores shared that they add additional items to their cart beyond their identified need. By comparison, a lower 67 percent of men and 77 percent of women reported adding extra items to their carts when shopping online.”


6. Take Advantage of Curbside Pickup

Along the same lines, rather than going into a store and overspending, take advantage of curbside pickup. This will prevent you from impulse buying and overspending. Plus, curbside pickup is convenient and safe.

7. Talk to Family and Friends About Cutting Back

The best way to cut back on overspending is to stop spending as much. Period. I’m not suggesting you quit buying Christmas presents, but it may be time to cut back on the number of presents you buy or how many people you buy for or how much you spend on each person. For example, ask if your family would like to draw names to give to one person rather than giving to everyone or ask family members to set a spending limit.

Tips for Amazon Prime Day and Other Online Sales Events


You need to start Christmas shopping this week. Yes, it is only the middle of October. But, trust me, you are not going to want to miss out on the major deals. Experts are anticipating this year to be a digital shopping first holiday season. And they expect consumers to shop earlier.

According to a recent survey by Convey, “Shoppers are planning to shop earlier and mostly online, and they’re conscious of COVID’s impact on retailers […]

  • Nearly 4 in 10 consumers (39%) will start holiday shopping earlier this year, while 44% say COVID will have no impact on when they begin their gift-buying.

  • 8 in 10 shoppers (82%) will do most of their holiday shopping online – and nearly 1 in 3 (30%) will do ALL of it online.”

The bad news is that they are expecting popular items to run out earlier than ever and major delays with shipping.

The good news is that they are starting holiday sales NOW. Specifically, this week.

Amazon Prime Days will take place October 13th – 14th (Tuesday-Wednesday). If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can take advantage of huge savings that are as good or better than what you would typically get on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Plus, other retailers are running major sales to compete with Amazon. Good Morning America explains, “From Walmart kicking things off with its Big Save event on Oct. 11 to Amazon Prime Day and Target Deal Days on Oct. 13 and Oct. 14, everyone will have an opportunity to get a head start on holiday shopping with deals galore.”

For those smart moms wanting to get a jump on their Christmas shopping and save money, here are 5 tips to get the best deals during Amazon Prime Day.


Make a List. Check It Twice.

Amazon Prime Day is exciting, but don’t let your excitement cause you to buy stuff you don’t need. It kinda defeats the purpose of saving money if you blow it all. Instead, make a list and check it twice. Expect to find great deals on appliances, smart devices, home goods, and toys.

Use Price Comparison Tools

With some many other retailers competing for sales on Amazon Prime Day, you absolutely need to do some price checks before purchasing anything. If you are using your phone, use a price comparison app. If you are shopping from your computer, use a web browser extension from Rakuten or Retail Me Not, to see instant price comparisons of products on various sites.


Download Retail Apps

Download the Amazon app. This is one of the best ways to find the best deals on Amazon Prime Day. On the app, you can see sneak peeks of upcoming deals and sign up for alerts when items you are interested in go on sale. You’ll receive a push notification when the price drops.

Additionally, download the apps for your other favorite online retailers. Walmart and Target will also offer special app-only deals and notifications.

Talk to Your Amazon Alexa

If you have any Amazon Alexa enabled devices, you can save even more money. Simply say, “Alexa, what are my Prime Day deals?” to see what special sales are available just for using this feature.


Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store

If you shop for Christmas gifts during Amazon Prime Day, shipping shouldn’t be an issue. There will be plenty of time for gifts to arrive and shipping is included for Prime members. However, if you shop the sales at other retailers, choose the buy online, pick up in-store option to save money on shipping, and ensure you get the items sooner rather than later.

Happy shopping! Let us know about the best deals you find!

The COVID-19 School Supply List You Really Need


At this point, we all know the 2020-2021 school year will be different. If you have decided to send your school to kids this year, your school supply list is probably a bit longer. This is because classrooms are no longer allowed to have communal supplies, so your kids will need their own pencils, crayons, markers, etc. But, in addition to the basic supplies they need for learning, there are 10 additional supplies every parent should consider purchasing for this COVID-19 school year.

1. Masks

Many schools are required students to wear masks, if not for the full day then at least during class transitions. Now is the time to stock up on kid’s face masks. Even if you have reusable face masks that can be washed, it is wise to have several. We know our kids are going to lose them or mess them up, so you might as well always have an extra mask on hand. Target and Old Navy are selling cheap face masks for kids. Crayola is also selling packs of masks for each day of the school week.

2. Mask Accessories

It is also a good idea to some mask accessories to make mask wearing easier for little ones. For example, many people like mask extenders because it allows them to wear a mask without it resting behind their ear too long. Additionally, you can purchase mask toggles that allow you to shorten the length of the mask cord to fit small faces. Finally, it is wise to purchase some lanyards for kids to wear that they can clip their masks on, so they don’t get lost or dirty at school.

3. Hand Sanitizer

Keep hand sanitizer on hand – in your vehicle, your purse, and your house. And get kid-friendly hand sanitizer holders that they can attach to their book bags. Bath and Body Works has cute ones for kids.

4. Pencil Box

Since kids are not allowed to share school supplies, get them a cool pencil box just for their personal supplies.

5. Household Cleaning Products

Stock up on disinfectant wipes and Lysol spray. You are going to use it more this year than ever before. Don’t forget – when the coronavirus first made it to the U.S., these products sold out. Get them while they are readily available.

6. Reusable Water Bottle

Kids should not be sharing drinks and drinking from the school water fountain isn’t a good idea either. Instead, invest in a quality reusable water bottle with a design your kid loves. It is probably better to get more than one - because kids.

7. Forehead Thermometer

Many schools are requiring parents to take their kids' temperatures each morning before school. This is where a forehead thermometer will come in handy. Keep it by wherever you keep your car keys.

8. Device Sterilizer

Remember when your kid was a baby and you had a fancy sterilizer for bottles? Well, you need a new one. There are several different device sanitizers available for sanitizing cell phones, keys, and other things your kid may bring home from school.

9. A Computer

Yes, you signed up for your kid to go to school. But for many parents, this also includes some virtual school days. Even those planning to go to school five days a week will face the possibility of returning to virtual learning if there are COVID-19 cases in their school. That’s why this is the year to go ahead and invest in a computer.

10. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Along those same lines, get some good headphones for your kid to do their virtual schooling without distractions in the home. While you’re at it, pick yourself up a pair, too. Every mom who survived quarantine deserves a nice pair of noise-canceling headphones.

How COVID Has Changed the Way We Dress


COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways. One of the most noticeable changes we may not have anticipated at the start of the outbreak is in how we dress. When we were told to work from home and then to shelter-in-place, we adopted a new dress code – what I affectionately call “comfortable fashion.” We said goodbye to our high heels and bras and hello to all things comfy. Lounge wear became the norm, sweatpants came back in style, and pajamas were worn night AND day.

Our everyday style radically changed. But will the fashion changes we made during the coronavirus quarantine be permanent, or will we go back to dressing up daily? Fashion historians have indicated four ways COVID will change the way we dress.


We Care Way More About Our Tops

As we entered the world of working remotely, we quickly embraced the “business mullet” - formal up top, party down below. We took care to wear a nice blouse and do our hair and make-up, but we were rocking leggings down below.

The Charlotte Observer reports, “Based on data from 80 of the top 100 retailers, Adobe Analytic found a 143% jump in pajama sales, a 13% drop in pants sales and a 12% decrease in the sale of bras this spring.” And Walmart reported a sharp increase in sales for tops with a decline in sales for bottoms.

In other words, our clothing shopping demonstrated our love of the business mullet. Now, it’s doubtful that we will wear this clothing back into our workplace, but we will likely still choose our tops and blouses with more care.


We Are Dressing Down for Work

Speaking of dressing for work, we are doing away with some of the gender-based clothing. For example, while we still find it important to look put together, we no longer feel the need to wear high heels, pencil skirts, or other uncomfortable female clothing.

As Allison Pfingst explains in InStyle, “While it is still advisable to look presentable from the chest up, no woman is putting on a thong or an underwire to attend a Zoom meeting. When we have to go back to the office, there’s a good chance it will no longer be in uncomfortable heels, or hard-to-tuck-in blouses. Expectations of impractical, uncomfortable work attire are floating away along with a feeling of obligation to appear ‘attractive’ at work in the MeToo era.”


We Are Buying More Secondhand Clothing

With most retail stores closed during statewide shelter-in-place orders, we started shopping online. Specifically, we started shopping at resale sites, like The Realreal, Poshmark, and ThredUp. And experts are expecting the resale market to explode! Get ready to embrace vintage fashions.


We Have A Renewed Desire to Dress Up for Special Occasions

Now before you try to resell all your high heels and designer dresses on one of these sites, you might want to think about how you want to dress when “all this” is over. Based on fashion history, we are likely to want to continue to dress up for special occasions. I don’t know about you, but I was thrilled to have an opportunity to wear shoes and high heels on our first family outing in three months. We might not dress up every day, but we will appreciate getting dressed up for the right occasion more than we ever did before.

Why You Should Shop Your Favorite Stores Online While Stuck at Home


Listen. COVID-19 is scary. As soon as you turn on the news, the body count goes up. We are practicing social distancing and staying inside, but we don’t know how long this will go on. Non-essential workers have been sent home. Thousands (upon thousands) of people have lost their jobs. It’s serious.

I want you to know that I know how serious it is before I dive into today’s talk. All of us have heightened emotions, and we are quick to react. I don’t want anyone who reads this blog to think I am callous or oblivious. I am very (very) aware of the danger. I live in New York. I have a job that could disappear at any minute. I’m not trying to be insensitive. Just the opposite.

That’s why today, I am telling you why you should shop your favorite stores online while stuck at home.


Experts say online shopping is permissible and encouraged

Not only have experts said that it is safe to shop online (especially if you opt for no-contact delivery and sanitize after receiving products), but it is also encouraged. Business Insider suggests, “Consumers don't need to feel shameful about buying goods online, especially from small businesses currently hit by the blow of temporary closures. [Treiber of RevTrax] says, ‘In this environment, consumers should support any of their favorite retailers that may be suffering from forced store closures due to coronavirus.’”

While big-box stores like Walmart and Target are still open because they sell essentials, retailers that primarily sell clothing have shut their doors and are only making money through online sales.


You’ll help the economy

The economy is really struggling as a result of all the closures. And, while I am hopeful it will receive a big boost from all of us who have been cooped inside once the doors of our favorite retailers reopen, we can still do something to help the economy today. Vanessa Friedman, for the NY Times, writes, “After 9/11, George W. Bush urged everyone to go shopping. At first it seemed silly. But what he was really saying was: Redistribute the wealth. Get the economy going again.”


You’ll help small businesses stay in business

After the last recession, we saw stores we loved close up. I’m afraid we will see that after this is all over to. One way to help prevent your favorite stores from shuttering is to support them now. Consider purchasing gift cards to use at later dates or ordering products online.


You’ll help retail survive

Finally, when you get an email from a retailer that is advertising huge discounts, see it for what it really is. It is a cry for HELP! As Friedman explains, “This is not 25-40-60 percent off time. Except it is, because this is crisis time. The stores are closed. […] And because online sales are the only source of revenue they have to keep their employees paid and their business afloat.” The purchases you make are helping retail and employees (like myself) stay in business.

I’m not asking you to spend what you don’t have or to make poor choices (especially if you aren’t sure about your own income), but if you do have the ability to shop your favorite fashion retailers, now is the time.

Want to Look Your Best? Hire a Personal Shopper.


The dressing room. We’ve all been there struggling to decide if the outfit we tried on looks good. Even if it “seems to fit,” we aren’t quite sure if the style is right for us or for where we plan to where it. Or, us modern gals standing alone at home in front of a mirror looking at the outfit we ordered online. Does it work?

Shopping for the perfect outfit can be challenging – even for those of us who love to shop. It’s hard to be objective with your own wardrobe. How many of us have clothes in our wardrobe that we want to love, but know in our heart of hearts just don’t look good on us?

Want to look your best? Hire a personal shopper. A talented personal shopper will solve all the problems above. She will go above and beyond to find clothing that works for your body, your style, your life, and your budget.


Saves You Time & Energy

If you are a working mom, then your shopping time is limited. If you are a stay-at-home mom, then you have to take the kids with you to the department stores. Neither works very well. That’s where a personal shopper comes in. When you work with a personal shopper, she knows your size and shape, as well as your fashion needs, and she does the shopping for you.

I know the trend now is to order online and return, but this also takes up a lot of time and energy. Yes, you get to avoid going to the stores with kids in tow, but you still run the risk of ordering and returning several things because, let’s face it, it never really looks the same in person as it does online.


Finds Better Fitting & More Flattering Clothing

Have you ever studied yourself in the mirror and couldn’t tell if the outfit you had on worked for your body? One of the best things about a personal shopper is that she knows which clothes will look the best on which body types. She’ll be able to pick outfits that are better fitting and more flattering by accenting the best parts of your figure and downplaying the parts of your body that make you more self-conscious.


Knows What is Trending

Fashion trends come and go. Even if you try to be fashion-savvy, it is hard to stay on top of what is trending and what is not. But, for personal shoppers, this is their job! They have to know the latest fashion trends in order to style their clients. With a personal shopper, you will never have to worry about wearing something out of style.


Values Fashion

Personal shoppers love fashion and have studied it. For example, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology, which I put to use as a personal shopper at Neiman Marcus. It’s not just some job department stores give to just anyone – you need a keen eye for fashion and plenty of experience.


Not As Expensive As You Think

Lastly, I know many women hesitate to work with a personal shopper because they think it will be too expensive and view it as something only the 1% does. This isn’t true. Personal shoppers know how to work with all budgets. Plus, isn’t it better to spend money on a personal shopper who buys you the right clothes rather than wasting money on clothes that don’t work?