What You Should Do Every Morning

Mornings matter. How you start the day has a huge effect on the rest of your day.

It’s the reason we say, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” when they have a foul attitude.

Curating a morning routine will go a long way towards improving your health – mental, physical, and emotional.

Here are ten things experts recommend doing every morning.

Wake Up at the Same Time

I’m going to give the tip that may the hardest tip of all first – wake up at the same time every day. And wake up earlier rather than later.

According to Women’s Health, “Research has shown that being a ‘morning person’ has major benefits for your health. Studies have shown that waking up earlier makes you feel happier and healthier, boosts your immune system, improves productivity and helps you maintain a healthy weight.”

Set an alarm on your phone and place your phone out of reach. This serves two purposes. 1 – You won’t be able to hit snooze. 2 – You won’t be able to scroll first thing in the AM.

Make Your Bed

It’s good to start your day with a win. Here’s an easy one – make your bed!

This simple activity will make you feel better about your To Do list and the day ahead.

Let the Light In

A simple habit I’ve developed is starting my day by letting the light in. I pull back the shades and open the blinds.

This signifies to my mind and body that the day has started. Plus, it has medical benefits.

Women’s Health reports, “Research out of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shows that those who are exposed to natural light earlier in the morning have lower BMIs regardless of diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors.”

Stretch and Move

I’ll be honest. The older I get, the more my body needs stretching first thing in the morning. And that’s not a bad thing!

It’s wise to start your day with movement. Get your endorphins so you begin the day on a natural high with energy.

Wash Your Face

It doesn’t matter if you shower in the evening or the morning – you need to wash your face in the morning.

Not only is it good for your skin, but it is also good for your whole person. A few minutes of self-care in the morning is critical.

Drink Water

We all know the importance of drinking water, but many of us start our journey towards eight glasses a day later in the day. We should really start drinking water first thing in the morning.

According to NBC News, “We get dehydrated overnight (especially if nature calls and you’re using the bathroom in the pre-dawn hours) […] A glass or two of H2O first thing helps replenish your body’s hydration stores. It also starts your metabolism on the right foot (since the body relies on water to keep all your digestive processes running smoothly).”

Enjoy a Cup of Coffee

Take time each money to enjoy a cup of coffee. The key here is to enjoy it. The point isn’t drinking coffee – it is spending a few minutes to slow down and savor something before the busyness of the day fully begins.

Eat Breakfast at Home

In the past, I was guilty of grabbing something small and eating breakfast on the go. I have since learned that I feel better if I eat a healthy breakfast at home. It’s a great way to get your metabolism going and helps you eat something healthier than fast food on the go.


Taking just a few minutes to sit, pause, and meditate makes a big difference. Women’s Health points out, “Research has found that practicing meditation is basically the holy grail for health, helping to reduce stress, manage anxiety, increase productivity, help weight loss, motivate you to exercise and make you a nicer person.”

Write or Review Your To Do List

The last thing I do before I head out the door is check my To Do list. Knowing what I need to do that day helps me make a plan and get busy.

What is your morning routine?

Summer Survival for Working Moms

Summer is here and the living is easy. Or is it?

Summer should be fun and relaxing, but for working moms, summer can be challenging.

Most working moms don’t get several weeks of vacation during the summer, which means they have to find ways to work and take care of their kids.

If these moms work from home, it means saying goodbye to the silence they’ve been accustomed to and hello to endless distractions.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Here are several tips to help you not only survive summer as a working mom but also thrive!

Enroll the Kids in Camp

I am a huge fan of summer camps. They allow kids to have fun, learn, and grow in safe spaces while giving working moms the help they so desperately need.

We've signed up the kids for four weeks of summer camp at Chelsea Piers. They offer a variety of sports and world-class facilities for kids to pursue their passions and explore their athletic abilities.

Here are 5 Reasons to Enroll Your Kids at Chelsea Piers Summer Camp

Make a Summer Routine

Summer is easier with a routine.

We don’t make a super rigid routine, but it does help for my girls to know what is expected of them every day.

We have a modified chore chart for the summer months, and they have school tasks, such as summer reading.

We also make space for fun in our schedule, such as Monday Movie Nights.

Use Summer as a Learning Opportunity

Since my girls have a little extra time in the summer, I try to use it as a learning opportunity.

For example, I have my daughters cook one night each week to teach them some basic cooking skills.

Host Friends

When I work from home, I have found it is easier if my kids have a distraction rather than being a distraction.

One of the best ways I have found to distract them is to host their friends over.

It may sound crazy, but when my girls are playing happily with their friends, they are quieter and bother me less.

Get Things to Keep Kids Occupied

I believe summer is the time when you should splurge on that special toy or device that they’ve been begging for.

If the new Nintendo Switch will keep them busy, I’m all for it.

If the added subscription to Discovery + allows them to binge watch Animal Planet, go for it.

Ask Kids for Summer Must-Do List

As a working mom, your time is limited.

I want to give my girls a fun summer, but it simply isn’t possible to do everything they want with my work schedule.

That’s why I start each summer by asking them to make a summer bucket list – or a list of summer must-dos.

Set Up Snack Bins

One thing that surprises my every summer is how quickly my girls empty out the snack cabinet.

To help with this issue, I set up snack bins.

These bins are set up each week so my girls can easily get the snacks they want, but they can also see how many snacks they have for the rest of the week.

Take Vacation Days

Finally, make sure you take your vacation days! Summer is busy, but you deserve time off to have some fun with your family.

What tips do you have for surviving summer as a working mom?

How to Say No the Right Way

One of the biggest struggles for many women is saying no. I struggled with saying no, but I have gotten much better about it over time. However, I had to recognize that it was hard for me to say no first, then I had to be intentional about saying no. I know I’m not the only one.

According to The Swaddle, “Human relations and interactions are quite reliant on reciprocity, which makes us feel that not obliging socially, will threaten our bonds with people. […] Amid our struggles to fit in and be liked by our peers, we worry that saying ‘no’ might make those same peers reject us. The fear of saying no also stems from the urge to avoid conflicts, or confrontation. Another reason why people tend to worry about saying no is because they don’t want to disappoint others, or hurt their feelings.”

If you relate, use the following tips to learn how to master the art of saying no.

Know How To Identify A Clear No

First things first – you need to know when saying no is the correct answer. Here are two ideas I use to help me decide if my answer is a yes or a no.

  • If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. I’ve found this one is especially helpful for social activities. For example, “Hell yes, I want to go to brunch!” versus “Yeah sure, I’ll go to dinner on Friday after a super busy work week.”

  • Whenever you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else. Or vice versa. Saying no to staying later at work means yes to dinner at home with the kids. Saying yes to a relaxing day at the spa with my girlfriends means saying no to Saturday morning chores. What do you need more?

Remind Yourself It Is Okay to Say No

It is much easier to say no if you know and truly understand it is okay to do so. Ask any woman who has burned herself completely out from saying yes too many times. Remind yourself it is okay to say no and that if someone doesn’t accept your no, you don’t need that kind of toxic person in your life anyway.

Add a Compliment

People are more receptive to the word “no” if it is cushioned with a compliment.

For example, “You do such an amazing job with this charity event every year, but unfortunately, I am unable to participate this year.”

Be Gracious

Treat being asked as an honor instead of a burden.

For example, “Thank you so much for thinking of me! While I would love to support the school in this way, I don’t have the space in my calendar this spring.”

Provide a Reason

While I don’t think you owe it to anyone, providing a reason is a good way to ensure the person asking will drop it. With that being said, don’t give them the whole story if you don’t want (or need) to.

For example, “I have to say no. I am swamped with work, extracurriculars, and taking care of my aging parents.”

Get to the Point Without Being Rude

There are some moments when a short and sweet no is all that is required, such as when you are asked to do something by a stranger.

For example, “Sorry, but no” or “Sorry, but I can’t help with that.”

Consider the Future

If you genuinely would like to say yes but simply can’t for some reason, leave the door open for the future.

For example, “Sadly, I have to say no. My weekends are booked for March, but please ask me again in April.”

Say Yes With Boundaries

There may be times when you want to say yes, but you also know you can’t say yes to everything.

For example, “I can help, but I will need to leave no later than 11.”

Think On It

When you are put on the spot, don’t say yes or no. Instead, simply ask for more time.

“I’ll get back to you” or “I’ll let you know.”

The key here is to really think about it and not use it as a brush-off. Use the time to decide if it is a yes or no. Then, if the answer is no, figure out which strategy to use.

8 Tips to Make Mornings Easier


For years, mornings were chaos in our household. Between getting myself ready for work and my girls ready for school, there was always something being forgotten, and I always felt rushed. There was frustration and tears regularly. I finally said, “Enough is enough.” I needed to take back my mornings, so this is what I did.

1. Pre-Pack Lunches

Instead of trying to get the kids dressed and make lunches in the morning, I started pre-packing lunches the night before. As my girls got older, I passed this chore along to them. This one little trick saved us so much time in the mornings!

Bonus – we also winded up packing better, healthier lunches because we weren’t rushing and just throwing anything into the lunchbox.

2. Get Clothes Ready Ahead of Time

Similar to pre-packing lunches, I now get all of our clothes laid out ahead of time. I’m talking everything – down to my daughter’s underwear and accessories. I’ve seen some moms use a set of plastic drawers or a hanging closet divider to put together an entire week’s worth of clothes for this purpose.

3. Keep a Notepad by Your Bed

Every night before I go to sleep, I take no more than 5 minutes to jot down my to-do list for the next day. I do this for two reasons.

#1 – It helps prevent me from losing sleep thinking about what I have to do the next day.

#2 – When I wake up in the morning, I can quickly glance at the list to see if there is anything that must be done before I leave the house in the morning.

4. Make an Easy Breakfast

One thing I can count on is @justcrackanegg Omelet Rounds in the mornings! My daughters love the All American and the Classic omelet rounds.

All I have to do is remove the film, pop the tray in the microwave for 50 seconds - then let it sit for 2 minutes and my daughters can enjoy them straight out of the package or on the go for a quick breakfast snack!

Doesn't get easier than this and I can focus on getting ready for work!

5. Use a Better Alarm

If you hate waking up to an annoying beeping alarm clock, change it up! Everyone dreads that harsh beeping alarm. Instead, find a song that you love (that you won’t sleep through) and use this as your alarm. I guarantee you’ll wake up happier.

6. Say No to Devices

I’ll just admit it. I used to have a bad habit of checking my phone before I went to sleep and as soon as I woke up. This didn’t do me any favors. It did the opposite. I wasted so much time that could have been better spent. So now, I don’t open my phone in the mornings (besides turning off the alarm and checking the time).

7. Have a Designated Drop-Off Spot

After spending way too many mornings rushing around trying to find missing shoes and lost school papers, I created a designated drop-off spot for shoes, bookbags, purses, and keys right by our front door. It took just a few days for my kids to get in the habit of using this spot and it has made a huge difference!

8. Get Yourself Ready First

My final tip is a simple one – get yourself ready first. Just like you are told on a flight, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first. This may mean you have to get up earlier than your kids to get ready, but it will be worth it.

What Working Moms Need and Want in 2021


It’s no secret that 2020 was a beast of a year for working moms. All at once, the balance we fought so hard for as working moms was upended and we found ourselves back at home trying to do everything all at once. It was simply too much.

According to McKinsey’s 2020 Women in the Workplace report, “One in four working women in North America said that they were considering downshifting their careers or dropping out of the workforce entirely. For working mothers, and particularly those with young children, the number was one in three.”

That’s a problem – not just for working moms but also for companies. McKinsey explains, “We know that women’s advancement in the workforce matters; companies with more women executives are more likely to outperform those with fewer senior women.”

So, now that we are halfway into 2021, what do working moms need and want as they return to the workforce? This is what I’m finding.

Remote Work Potential

I’d be lying if I said I wanted to work remotely forever. I love my kids but going to work is kinda nice.

However, as a working mom, I need and want the ability to work remotely as needed. Kids get sick, get quarantined from school, and need someone to stay with them on teacher workdays. Not having to take off work to be with them and still get some work done is ideal.

We’ve seen it’s possible, so now we want it.


Meaningful Work

One thing the stress of working in 2020 taught me is the importance of meaningful work.

Being forced to go into the office for something pointless was a waste of time and super frustrating.

Larina Lee explains in Forbes, “In a hybrid world, put more intentionality on what’s done in the office and what’s done remotely. What are the meetings that have to be in person? Signal to people when it matters. The hardest thing for a working mom—everything’s an emergency.”

Employers need to provide working moms with meaningful work and be intentional with their requests.


Positive Work Environments

Another thing working moms need and want is a positive work environment. We don’t want to work in a stuffy workplace with hostile employees.

Our time is valuable. We don’t want to dread going into work, and the best way to do this is to make us WANT to go into the work.

Inc. reports, “academic studies suggest that employees who feel more positive emotions at work are more engaged, and thus, are less likely to leave the organization.”


Supportive Employers

I love this quote I found on Working Mothers: “You’ve never met a loyal employee until you’ve met a working mom with a great boss.”

Supportive employers make all the difference for working moms. We need a boss who will listen and be empathetic.

Unsupportive employers are feeling the loss of many outstanding female employees. According to Indeed, “70% of the women who cut hours or quit report a lack of support from their employers when juggling work and home life during the pandemic.”

In contrast, the majority of women who continued working during the pandemic reported their managers were sympathetic to challenges, patient, and offered emotional support (sometimes as simple as just asking employees what they could do to help).

Are you feeling the same way? Have what you need and want from your job changed over the past year? Share your thoughts!

Ways to Boost Your Career Post COVID-19


Where do you want to be professionally in a post COVID-19 world? According to CNBC, “Young workers, those with lower levels of formal education, Hispanic and Asian women, and minority workers more broadly, are among the demographic groups hardest hit by the tens of millions of job losses generated by the COVID pandemic.” Many of these women and others like them have lost their jobs or have had their hours and earnings significantly cut back.

What this means is that many women are going to be looking for new jobs after this is all over. Since there will be many people competing for jobs, it is important for women to do all they can to boost their career opportunities post COVID-19. Here are five things you can start doing today to better your career tomorrow.


Update Your Resume

The first thing you want to do is update your resume. Unfortunately, many of us don’t update our resumes regularly and just wait to update them until we are looking for a new job. When we do it this way, we forget about the many things we have accomplished. That’s why experts recommend regularly updating your resume. For example, the next time you complete a big project, add it to your resume instead of waiting. Plus, it is important to update your resume with your current career goals in mind. Your resume should highlight the skills and experiences that will help you land the career you want in a post-COVID world. And don’t forget to update your resume on LinkedIn!

Learn Something New

If you are hoping to move up the ladder in your current career or move into a new career, then it is wise to learn something new that applies to the job you want. Fortunately, this is easier than ever before. You can enroll in a wide variety of free or paid online courses that can teach you hard or soft skills that are beneficial to your career. Check out Udemy or LinkedIn Learning to see what is available in your field.

Find a Mentor and Return the Favor

It’s hard to ask for help. But if you have a mentor, it is much easier to get help. That’s because the whole purpose of having a mentor is having someone who can guide you towards career growth. Sometimes you learn just by watching them. If your current workplace does not offer a mentoring program, then find one on your own. Find someone who is a bit ahead of you and ask if you can take the person out to lunch to get some career advice.

Then, return the favor. Being a mentor to someone just entering the workforce will not only make you feel good, but it will also help you grow. You’ll be surprised by how much you learn about yourself and your career by sharing your experiences with someone else.

Use Social Media for Networking

Facebook was founded as a social networking site. The keyword here is networking. With so many social media sites today, we tend to forget the initial intended purpose was for networking. When it comes to boosting your career, social media is a great tool for networking. Make sure your social media is professional and then start connecting with others in your industry. If you haven’t started networking on LinkedIn, now’s the time to start!

Digitize Your Professional Materials

You seldom send out paper resumes nowadays. Instead, it is important to make sure you digitized your professional materials. Since so much job searching, recruiting, and interviewing is done online, it is wise to have a file dedicated to your professional materials. This means creating a file that contains your updated resume, cover letter, and portfolio that you can easily access and send to potential employers. Depending on your career, you may want to create a website for these types of materials that you can easily link to when applying for jobs.

2 Tricks That Made Me Super Productive


Confession time. I struggle to be productive at work – especially when I have to work from home. As much as I try to do all the right things – get up on time, sit at a designated workspace, set aside time to time work on emails – I still never get to everything on my to-do. What mom does?

And the less productive I am, the worse I feel. I’m not saying you should measure your worth by how much you can accomplish in a day. I’m talking about basic productivity, as in being productive enough to do your job and do your job well.

For instance, studies have found, “most workers are no more than 50 percent productive at work!” That means half of the day we spend at work, we aren’t productive. Instead, we are falling into rabbit holes on the internet or doing other tasks unrelated to work. When you add in having to work from home during the pandemic, it is even harder to be productive.

I talked to a friend recently, and she shared some of her best productivity tips. I decided to give her tips a try, and I am happy to report that they actually work! These two tips have radically changed how much I can get accomplished during the day and have made me super productive.


Getting Rid of Distractions

You hear all the time about the importance of getting rid of distractions, but there are so many things vying for our attention. Instead of saying you’ll simply avoid checking your email, scrolling through your social feeds, or exploring random topics on the internet, do something to force yourself to block these distractions.

For instance, the Freedom productivity blocker allows you to set up a personalized block lists of the websites that tempt you. Then, you can block yourself from these sites for a set amount of time across your devices. In other words, you can’t cheat and scroll on your phone when you are supposed to be working on your computer.


Embracing the Pomodoro Technique

Even if you have gotten rid of the distractions, it is still easy for your mind to wander. I don’t know how many times I have just wasted time doing nothing. But I have found a technique that works wonders. It is called the Pomodoro Technique.

The Muse explains, “The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoro. After about four pomodoros, you take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes.”

It works wonders for me because it brings out my can-do competitive nature. I know I’ve only got 25 minutes in a pomodoro, so I stay focused on the task at hand to see how much I can accomplish before 25 minutes is over. It shocks me how much I can actually get done in 25 minutes when I am focused!

Plus, it both rewards my focus and gives me a short distraction break. I know at the end of the pomodoro that I get a five-minute break to check my notifications or scroll. And those five-minutes ae a great way to keep me in check. I mean, how many times do we tell ourselves we are just going to play around on our phones for a few minutes before it turns into 45 minutes?

Don’t worry if this sounds too complicated for you to keep track of yourself – there are tons of pomodoro productivity apps available that can track them for you!

How to Avoid Distractions and Focus While Working from Home


The work from home struggle is real – especially for those of us who typically do not work this way. Since the coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of Americans to start working from home, we have been thrown into a new workplace full of distractions making it harder to focus. If you are finding it hard to focus while working from home, here are some things you can do to avoid distractions.

Turn Off the TV

Yes, it is super tempting to binge on Netflix while you are home and have full access to a TV without your boss knowing. But, it is super hard to stay focused on work with the TV on, so turn it off.

Avoid Chores During the Workday

While at home, you can distract yourself from work by focusing on all the “work” you need to do around home. If you spend the day doing chores, you won’t be able to focus. Instead, make it a rule to only do things around the house after your workday is done.

Set Aside Time for Emails

If you get bombarded with emails that keep you from staying on task, set aside time to check emails rather than checking each time you receive a new email. For example, opt to check emails from 8 – 9 am and then from 3 – 4 pm, and be sure to let your coworkers know your email hours.

Start Each Day with a To-Do List

Before you begin working each day, make a to-list. Write down your goals for the day, as well as identify the items on your to-do list that are “must-do’s” versus “may-do’s.”

Have a Dedicated “Office”

With mobile devices and Wi-Fi, it makes it possible to work anywhere in your home. The problem is that you can choose a different place each day and you don’t typically do this at work. Instead, you should have a dedicated workspace. No matter if it is your kitchen counter or a desk in your living room, make a point to work in the same space each day.

Create a Family Code of Conduct

If you have kids, then they will likely be your biggest distraction. Since you and your kids are working from home, create a family code of conduct. Some ideas: 1.) No TV during the day. 2.) If mom is on the phone and a kid needs something, kids should either wait or silently put their hand on mom’s arm (rather than yelling for her).

Turn Off Notifications

If you get all sorts of notifications on your phone from social media or news sources, you absolutely need to turn these notifications off. You can check your notifications when work is done – they aren’t going anywhere.

Take Breaks

Sitting and staring at your screen all day isn’t healthy either, so be sure to take breaks throughout the day. If this is a struggle for you, set alarms to go off after chunks of time to remind you to get up and move.

Use Tools to Block Distractions

Some websites and apps are just too tempting, and we need help to avoid them. If this sounds familiar, then utilize tools like Freedom to block tempting websites and apps like Offtime to block distractions on your mobile device.

Allow Yourself Time for Distractions You Need

Lastly, it is important to allow time for the distractions you need. You deserve a break to watch videos on YouTube or scroll through Instagram, so allow yourself to do so during set times, such as lunch.

Work from Home Struggles & Successes


Earlier this week, I asked about work from home struggles on successes on my Instagram account. Not surprisingly, I found we share many of the same struggles and successes. Working from home (especially if you are also homeschooling your kids) is hard work! There have been good days and bad days. Now that we’ve been at it for over a month, we’re beginning to see what we are doing well…and what we are doing not so well. Let’s take a look.

We are eating too much.

By far, the comment that showed up the most for work at home struggles was that we are eating too much. Many of us depleted our quarantine snacks within the first week. Why? It’s easy, and we are bored.

But we are snuggling more.

While eating more is not the best habit to embrace during this season, we are also spending our extra time at home snuggling our kids more. We are spending far more time with our families than before and surprising ourselves with how much we enjoy the extra snuggle time.

We aren’t getting dressed up.

As a whole, we are also struggling with getting dressed. Many of us have slipped into a nice routine of wearing pajamas to work. And for those who feel fancy, they are wearing yoga pants on bottom and dress shirts on top. We are wearing far less makeup (if any), and we aren’t doing our hair.

But we are getting more sleep.

A major perk of not spending as long on our appearance also means we are getting more sleep. We no longer feel the need to wake up extra early to shower and do the whole makeup and hair routine. We can roll out of bed and start our day. That may be hard to give up when the return to normal begins!

We are struggling with new routines.

At the same time, we are struggling with new routines. Many of us are creatures of habit – even in the office. And home does not work like the office, so there is a steep adjustment. Plus, those of us who are trying to work from home and homeschool our kids at the same time are struggling. It is a whole new routine – and it doesn’t work every day.

But we are still working out.

One routine we aren’t neglecting is our need to work out. While the gyms are closed, we are still finding ways to stay active and healthy. Whether we are working out in our backyards with the whole family or alone in front of a screen, we are doing what we can to work off all the extra calories we have been consuming.

We have too many distractions.

We are also finding many ways to distract ourselves and keep us from doing everything but work. Whether it is our kids or simply all of our own stuff, we are distracted and lacking focus.

But we are getting stuff done.

Yet, with all of the distractions, we are getting stuff done! Some of us are getting things done because of the distractions. Our dirty baseboards are distracted, so we’ve cleaned them! Our kids are distracting us, so we give them attention.

At the end of the day, whether we did a little or a lot, we can rest easier knowing we survived another day working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Hey Small Business Owners, Are You Part of the #OpenWeStand Initiative?


There's been a lot of changes with how everybody works during the Covid-19 crisis especially with small businesses and entrepreneurs. Being a lifestyle blogger, I've been changing the way I post, and my subject matter has been more about how to stay home and be an active blogger while my daughters are home all the time.

That’s why I'm proud to spread the news about the #OpenWeStand initiative as a GoDaddy partner. As you will see, the Open We Stand website is providing small business owners and entrepreneurs with much needed help and resources.


Trusted Resources to Help You Survive

If you are a small business or an entrepreneur, you are feeling the effects of COVID-19. Whether you are experiencing a small rain or a total hurricane, you are doing your absolute best to stay afloat. That’s why I am so thankful this initiative has provided resources to help us get through these tough times. Topics cover things like customer loyalty and business strategies specifically for this unusual time. We’re all having to learn how to do business in a different way and they have highlighted some of the key areas where these changes are front and center.


An Encouraging Community for Advice

This is brand new territory for all of us, which is why you should not feel ashamed to ask for help. GoDaddy has joined up with LinkedIn to provide a #OpenWeStand LinkedIn Group to create a community for business owners to talk about what is working and get advice for things that are not.


Be Inspired by How Other Small Businesses are Adapting

If you are like me, you are desperate for inspiration – especially while you are stuck at home and unable to work in your usual work space. That’s why I really appreciate that the #OpenWeStand website also includes a page dedicated to stories about how small businesses are adapting to make sure they are keeping their customer/client base and bringing in funds even with their doors closed. Plus, you can follow the hashtag on Instagram to see how other small businesses are adapting.


Ways to Show Your Support for Small Businesses

You can let your community know that you are open for business even if your doors are closed by using the #OpenWeStand ribbon. You can download the image from the website and use it on your social media posts, as well as printing it out on posters to place in your storefronts.

Additionally, you can use the GoFundMe Small Business Relief Initiative to find a small business to support. The Initiative has partnered with GoFundMe to make it easy for supporters to make donations online.

Small Business Relief and Grants are Available

Lastly, GoDaddy is working with GoFundMe for the Small Business Relief Fund. GoDaddy is providing a $500 matching grant to eligible small businesses. To be eligible, you must start a GoFundMe for your small business. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.