Wall Calendar, Day Planner, Calendar App? Which One is Right for You?


Women are busy, and we are only going to get busier. First, let’s celebrate! Check out these awesome statistics from the US Department of Labor.

“Seventy percent of mothers with children under 18 participate in the labor force, with over 75 percent employed full-time. Mothers are the primary or sole earners for 40 percent of households with children under 18 today, compared with 11 percent in 1960.”

Who runs the world? GIRLS!

And how do we manage work, family, marriage, friendship, and self-care? By being devoted to our calendar planning systems!

If you are one of the few women who do not utilize a calendar, I’m here to change your life. And for those who do use a calendar, I’m here to encourage you to switch things up and make your planning system work better for you.


Why You Absolutely Need Some Sort of Calendar in 2020

Ladies, you absolutely need to embrace calendar planning. If you are like me, you need a calendar to keep everything in your life straight. If it is not in my calendar, I will forget or overbook myself. We’ve all been there, and it is no fun. A calendar planning system helps you manage your time and prioritize the things that matter.

Plus, saying “you’ve got to check the calendar” is a fantastic way to take a pause before you commit to something you really don’t want to. You’ll thank me later.

Here’s the good news. No matter what type of planner you are (someone who plans down to the minute or someone who just likes to have a broad overview), there is a calendar planning system that will work for you and make your life more manageable.


Wall Calendar

Some women prefer an old-school wall calendar. They are nostalgic and can be placed in the home where everyone in the family can see what is happening each day. Some families have upgraded their wall calendars to a dry erase calendar so they can make it more personal.

The good – It is simple and easy for the whole family to use.

The bad – Not as much space for busy days and not with you wherever you go.


Day Planner

Other women are obsessed with their day planners. Day planners are bound notebooks that are broken down into different increments (monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly). For women who love to put pen to paper, this is an ideal way to plan. You can visualize your entire month – down to the hour.

The good – It has space for every part of your day (including slots for exercising and self-care).

The bad – The hourly breakdown may be overwhelming for some women. And unless you have a small planner, it will likely not go everywhere you go.


Calendar App

And some women opt to go digital with their calendar planning. There are tons of great calendar apps, such as Google calendar or Cozi Family Organizer, that work on your digital devices to keep track of events. The apps allow you to color code events according to family members, as well as sync with other family members. This type of calendar planning is super helpful for busy parents needing to make changes on the go.

The good – It has space for everything, can be shared with family members, and goes with you everywhere you go.

The bad – For those who don’t love technology, this one will prove ineffective.

Or a Combination of Two or More

Finally, there are some women who use a combination of the above. There is no wrong way – as long as you find a system that works to make your life easier! Which type of calendar planning system do you use?

My Totally Attainable November Goals


And just like that, we are in November. The temperatures have dropped, and the leaves are gorgeous. School is in full swing. But it can be easy in this month in-between Halloween and Christmas to get too busy and feel overwhelmed. If your Novembers are anything like mine, they just fly by! That’s why I am trying to be more intentional about setting goals for myself in November. These are goals to keep my heart, mind, and body on track before the crazy holiday season begins. I hope you’ll join me!


Enjoy Some Quality Time with My Family.

We all know Christmas is going to be a giant whirlwind of activities that pull us in every direction. That’s why I love fall break. (If you don’t have an official fall break, I suggest you make one yourself.) In November, my little family is going on our first-ever Disney Cruise, and we could not be more excited! It’s an escape from the cold and work and school on an incredible ship where we are guaranteed to have a blast together.


Start Eating Healthy Now to Prepare for the Holiday Season.

I don’t want to miss out on a delicious Thanksgiving feast. And I certainly don’t want to miss out on all the holiday goodies that start to appear the day after Thanksgiving. That’s why I am going to do my best to eat healthy and drink tons of water in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. I need to have room to grow – ha!


Express My Thankfulness.

With Thanksgiving, November always calls for us to be thankful. I try to do this every year, but this year I want to express it clearly. For example, I want to write notes with the reasons why I am thankful for my daughters and put them in their lunchboxes each day. I want to write thank you notes to my husband on post-its and put them on our bathroom mirror.


Make Something Beautiful.

Something about the fall makes women everywhere feel the urge to craft and create. I’ve learned that this looks different for everyone. Some women love to craft their own wreaths; others like to knit. My creativity is more in line with digital media and photography. And fall calls to my camera!


Leave Work on Time.

With the time change, it gets dark so early. If I want to see my family while there is any remaining daylight, I have to leave work on time (and even then, that is often not soon enough!). It’s not just for that reason. I also think it is important to set clear work and home boundaries, and one way I believe I can do so is to have a clear time when I clock out of work.


Start Christmas Shopping.

As if I need an excuse to shop, right? But, seriously, I do want to be intentional with my shopping. With Black Friday occurring only two days before December (yikes!), I want to have most of my Christmas shopping done by the end of the month.

What do you think of my November goals? Do you have any of your own? Share them with me!

Are You Getting Enough Protein? Here’s Why It Matters (+ A Giveaway!)


As a busy working mom, I am not ashamed to admit I need all the extra help I can get. Fortunately, I have discovered that I can get a huge amount of help from boosting the amount of protein I get each day. If you need more proof, read on!

How Much Protein You Need Each Day?

According to Healthline, “The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to:

  • 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man.

  • 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.

Though this meager amount may be enough to prevent downright deficiency, studies show that it’s far from sufficient to ensure optimal health and body composition.”

This is just one of the reasons I love Premier Protein! Just one 11.5 oz bottle packs 30 grams of protein, meaning I almost reach the required minimum with just one drink!


Protein Reduces Hunger Cravings

You can hear you need protein all day long, but if you don’t know why you won’t feel the need to add more protein to your diet. But DIET is the keyword here. Did you know by increasing your protein intake you decrease your hunger cravings? Protein is filling; therefore, it reduces your appetite. Healthline reports, “In one study, increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories made overweight women eat 441 fewer calories each day without intentionally restricting anything.”


Protein is the Muscle’s Building Blocks

Plus, protein is excellent for post-workout recovery. In the same report, Healthline explains, “eating adequate amounts of protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training.” This is why I also have Premier Protein with me when I go for a hike or to the gym.


Protein Gives You Longer-Lasting Energy

But, as a busy working mom, what I really need is energy – another thing you can get from increasing your protein intake. CNN explains, “Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a primary reason for fatigue. Protein-based foods provide the body with fuel to repair and build tissues. Protein takes longer than carbohydrates to break down in the body, providing a longer-lasting energy source.”


Premier Protein Makes It Super Easy to Get What You Need

This is why I have come to rely on Premier Protein shakes and bars. Premier Protein makes it super easy and convenient to get enough protein in my diet. Their protein shakes come in 11.5 oz bottles with closed lids so you can toss them in your bag and take them with you anywhere you go. This makes it much easier than mixing your own protein shake at home and transporting it - and no cleaning! Plus, they offer delicious flavors like Pumpkin Spice and Cookies and Cream, so I enjoy drinking them.


GIVEAWAY – Win a 4-Pack of Café Latte

Mixing a Protein Shake with added caffeine is a wonderful idea, like a delicious coffee with protein, to get my day going! Premier Protein just released their new product with added caffeine (equivalent to 1 cup of coffee) with the same 30g protein, 160 calories, 1g sugar, and 24 Vitamins and Minerals that gives my daily routine that extra spark. We're also giving away one 4-pack of Café Latte for you to enjoy too!

Hop over to my Instagram to get all the giveaway details! Hurry – it ends October 31st.

10 Pro Mom Tips for Halloween (to make your evening more enjoyable)


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but I know many moms find it stressful. That’s why I am taking time today to share my tips for making Halloween enjoyable for everyone. That means you too, Mom! If done the right way, you will have just as much fun as your kids – and maybe even more fun!

Expect Your Kids to Be Hyper

If your kids are anything like mine, they are already super excited for Halloween and counting done the days until they get to trick or treat. So, when October 31st arrives, expect your kids to be out of control. If you expect them to be wild, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised when they aren’t.


Decide Who Stays Home and Who Goes with the Kids

If you want to get treats, it’s a good idea to give out treats. But, how do you do that when you are expected to take your kids trick or treating? Decide ahead of time who is going with the kids and who is staying home or ask your neighbor to hand out your treats.

Buy Candy You Like

It’s wise to buy candy you like just in case there is any leftover. You’ll find ways to reward yourself and your kids with it in the days after. Or you can use the leftover candy for Halloween Candy Cookie Bars.


Dress Up

Dressing up is fun, but as adults, we can’t get away with it very often. Except on Halloween. So have fun with it and show your kids your playful side.


Keep Dinner Simple

Whatever you do, do not plan a fancy dinner before trick or treating. Keep it simple. Make sandwiches, soup in a crockpot, or order pizza.

Stock Up on Glow Sticks

Make sure your trick or treaters can be easily seen by stocking up on glowsticks. Glowsticks won’t take away from their costumes, and kids love them.


Charge Your Phone

You're going to want your phone to be fully charged before you head out for many reasons. It acts as a flashlight. It acts as a map. It acts as a phone. And, it acts as a camera.

Take Hand Sanitizer with You

It’s a shame that Halloween falls during flu season. But, since you know it does, go ahead and carry hand sanitizer with you and use it liberally.


Do a Wine and Candy Pairing

After you get back home and put your little monsters to bed, it’s time to have some grown-up fun. Use The Ultimate Guide To Pairing Halloween Candy With Wine and enjoy!

My #1 Tip – Save Some of the Candy for Christmas

I saved the best tip for last. Your kids are going to come home with way more candy than they should eat. So as soon as they go to bed, sneak out a handful (or two) of non-Halloween themed candy and put it away for their Christmas stockings.

What tips do you have to make Halloween fun for moms?

15 Fall Date Ideas That’ll Make You Feel Young Again


As a married working mom, I know how difficult it is to find time to go on a date with your spouse. But it is incredibly important. According to Dr. Dianne Grande, “[Date night] is not really a luxury after all. Consider it a necessity for a happy and life-affirming relationship.” It. Is. A. Necessity!

But, again, I know how hard it can be. That’s why I have come up with 15 different types of dates for NYC couples this fall. They cover a variety of budgets (which is important if you need to pay a babysitter) and lengths of time. Some couples will have to squeeze in time while others may be able to pull off a whole weekend away. The point isn’t to compare. It is to find time to do something fun with someone you love – no matter how much money or how much time you have.

Plus, these dates will remind you of what it is like to be young. And who doesn’t want to feel young and newly in love again? Fall is the ideal time for dates that take you back to your youth. Take a look.

1. Go Apple Picking.

Head to an apple orchard and pick some apples together. You’ll enjoy just being in each other’s presence, and you’ll leave with a bushel of apples.

2. Spend Time at a Tailgate.

If your youth involved tailgating, make plans to tailgate with your spouse. If you can’t tailgate at your school or for your favorite team, then choose the next best thing and cheer on the home team.

3. Carve a Pumpkin.

Be a little creative and carve a pumpkin. This date night works even if you can’t find a babysitter. Wait until the kids are in bed, turn on some music, pour your favorite drink, and get busy – carving a pumpkin, that is.

4. Visit a Brewery or Winery.

To me, fall screams beer and cider. Head to a local brewery and get a flight. If beer isn’t your thing, then head to a nearby winery and do a tasting.

5. Start Christmas Shopping.

If you have kids, then you know how chaotic the holiday season is. Beat the rush by going to the toy store now and get a jump start on your Christmas shopping.

6. Volunteer Together.

If you want to give back, find a local organization that you’d like to support and volunteer on the weekend. This is a great way to bond with your spouse.

7. Make S’mores by a Bonfire.

Enjoy a backyard fire pit or bonfire. Buy special goodies to make creative s’mores to enjoy together.

8. Put on a Brave Face in a Haunted House.

Before October ends, head to a haunted house together. You will find yourself clinging to your man like you use to.

9. Pack a Picnic for the Park.

A lowkey picnic is a perfect fit for the couple that is always busy. It is a great way to slow down, but it is easy to plan.

10. Go Camping (or Rent a Cabin).

For those lucky parents who have grandparents willing to babysit overnight, go camping. If camping isn’t for you, then rent a cabin. Fall is the best time of year to be outdoors with the one you love.

11. Cuddle and Watch a Scary Movie.

Take advantage of all the free horror movie marathons happening around Halloween and watch one late at night with your spouse. It is the perfect excuse to cuddle up close on the couch after the kids go to bed.

12. Hike Together.

For active couples, the cooler weather makes it a wonderful time to go hiking together. You will both work to overcome challenges and grow closer in the process.

13. Spend Some Time in the Kitchen.

Take all the apples you got when you went apple picking and make candy apples together. Or, bake an apple pie. Or make apple crisp. Here’s a list of 65+ easy apple recipes.

14. Take an Autumn Road Trip in New York.

Book a babysitter for the day and take a road trip through New York to look at the beautiful changing leaves. Remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination.

15. Try Not to Freak Out on a Ghost Tour.

NYC couples have their pick of spooky ghost tours. To find the one that sounds best for you and your husband, check out Time Out’s The Best Ghost Tours NYC has to offer.

What is your favorite fall date? Tell me in the comments!

How to Take Perfect Fall Photos for Your Holiday Cards


It’s that time of year again – family photo season. Whether you love or hate getting your family’s photo taken, it has become a yearly tradition for many. Why? Because Autumn offers brilliant color palettes for photos. And also, because it is the right before you need to start addressing and sending all those photo Christmas cards.

At this point, fall family photography has become an art form. It can be overwhelming and stressful – especially for moms who tend to do all the planning when it comes to family photos. To make your lives easier, I am highlighting some of my favorite fall photo session tips for families.

Start with the location.


Before you do anything else – I mean anything – pick your location. Everything else for your photo session depends on where your picture will be taken. It will determine the type of photographer to hire, what to wear, etc. But don’t worry! The reason fall is so popular for family photos is that the season offers numerous optimal locations. For example:

  • Pumpkin Patch – By far, one of the most popular options is to head to a pumpkin patch.

  • Autumn Woods – If you are over the pumpkin patch, consider a wooded area where the autumn leaves are bursting with color.

  • Orchards or Fields – Apple orchards and harvest fields also make great photo session locations.

Book a professional photographer.


Yes, I know you’ve gotten pretty good at taking pictures of your kids with your phone’s camera. But, if you want a photo that is going to appear on holiday cards and various walls in different homes, then you want to put the phone down and hire a professional. Plus, professional photographers know what they are doing when it comes to fall family photos! They know the best time of day to shoot and how to capture your kid’s personalities on camera.

Choose Mom’s outfit first.


In your family, who is typically the hardest to dress for a special occasion? I’m guessing it is you, Mom. Since you are the queen of the home and the one planning this whole thing, choose your outfit first. The more comfortable and beautiful you feel, the more relaxed you will be. And, once you have chosen your outfit, you can easily find outfits for everyone else.

Pick clothes for the rest of the family.


After Mom’s outfit has been selected, it is time to choose outfits for the whole family. You do want to coordinate, but there are some dos and don’ts.

  • Avoid trendy pieces. I’m all about fashion trends, but I recognize that what looks great today might not look so stylish years down the road. Since family photos are meant to last, go with more timeless and classic looks.

  • Do not go matchy-matchy. You want your family’s outfits to coordinate with one another – not to match. Matching colors and matching outfits are a thing of the past. Plus, it doesn’t look as good in photos as coordinated ensembles.

  • Use subtle patterns only. You absolutely do not need to stick with just solids and avoid patterns. Embrace the patterns – just make sure they are subtle and not big or flashy.  

  • Choose a color scheme. Decide on a color scheme before shopping. However, this does not mean you say everyone wears blue. Again, that is too matchy-matchy. Instead, select a palette of coordinating colors for different family members to wear.

Have picture ideas before the day of the shoot.


Finally, have ideas for some of the types of photos you’d like to take before the photoshoot. Spend time on Pinterest and send your photographer some examples of things you’d like to try at the shoot. Don’t try to remember the day of the shoot – trust me, you’ll forget.

Real Ways to Observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (also dubbed Pinktober). Breast Cancer Awareness Month is “an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.”


The older I get and the older my followers become, the more likely it is that we will know someone who will be affected by breast cancer. That’s why I feel it is important to talk about breast cancer. Some of you reading this may have had a friend or family member diagnosed with breast cancer, or you may have been yourself.

Understand the Risks


According to CNN, “The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 271,270 new cases of breast cancer in 2019, 99% of which will be diagnosed in women.” Outside of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women. The CDC reports that “more than 40,000 women die from the disease.”

Additionally, “most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women. About 10% of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are found in women younger than 45 years of age.”

While it is impossible to predict your risk by 100%, you may find it worthwhile to use a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool.

Know the Signs and Symptoms


It is also wise for women to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. According to CNN Health, “Many women are taught to look for new lumps or masses in their breast tissue but it's important to be aware of other abnormalities. Skin swelling or redness, change in breast shape, nipple discharge (other than breast milk), pain in or on the breast, and skin flaking or dimpling can be other possible warning signs of breast cancer.”

Donate Money

One of the best ways to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to donate to a reputable organization, such as the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc, where your donations go towards raising awareness of the disease and providing mammograms for women who can not afford them.

Wear a Pink Ribbon

Obviously, wearing a pink ribbon or a pink t-shirt will not cure the disease, but it will inspire hope for those battling the disease and their loved ones fighting alongside them.

Share Your Breast Cancer Story

If you or one of your loved ones has had breast cancer, tell your story on your social media outlets. Often, people fall into the trap of believing breast cancer will never happen to them because it hasn’t happened to anyone they know. By bringing awareness, you may inspire another woman to look for symptoms or schedule a mammogram.

Purchase Products That Give Back

Again, buying a pink breast cancer awareness product will not cure the disease, but many of the products being sold during October do give a significant portion of the sales directly to breast cancer organizations, which are providing funds for research. I love People’s Breast Cancer Awareness Products That Are Giving Back in a Major Way article.

Schedule a Mammogram

Last but certainly not least, if you are 40 or older, you need to schedule a mammogram. Here are the age recommendations from the American Cancer Society:

  • Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening with mammograms (x-rays of the breast) if they wish to do so.

  • Women age 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year.

According to Susan G. Komen, “Mammography is the most effective breast cancer screening tool today for most women.”

Make the Last 3 Months Better Than the First


Last year, I heard a lot of women talking about the #Last90Days Challenge that popular self-help author and speaker Rachel Hollis, who wrote the bestseller Girl, Wash Your Face, was promoting. On her website, she writes, “What if you committed to living your last 90 days of this year as hard as you are committing to living the first 30 days of the new year? What if instead of a downhill slide into 2019, you are ramping up!”

As intriguing as I found the idea, I was already behind having heard about well after the 90 days had begun. But this year, I am prepared and ready to prepare you, too! That’s because the last 90 days of the year is here – it runs from October 2nd – December 31st meaning you have time to figure out your #last90days goals and put a plan into action.

If you aren’t ready to commit to the challenge, here are a few of the reasons I think you should.

Because You’ve Already Dropped Your New Year’s Resolutions


I am not shaming you – I dropped some of my new year’s resolutions before January was over! The truth is keeping New Year’s resolutions is hard work, and we can beat ourselves up when we believe we have failed. This is the perfect time to pick it back up or reevaluate and go about achieving your goals in a more effective way. The last 90 days is the perfect time to start back!

Because 3 Month Goals are Better


While I am all about New Year’s resolutions, they are hard to keep, and many people have found that setting shorter goals is more achievable. For one thing, it feels like much less pressure to commit to something for 3 months instead of 12. Plus, setting 3-month goals is way more productive than setting 6 months goals or yearly goals.

Because You Want the Holiday Season to Be Less Stressful


The last 90 days of the year include the crazy holiday season, which we all know is one of the most stressful times of the year. It is the time of year when we tend to overindulge and feel overwhelmed. Imagine how different the season would be if we were more mindful about our goals and behaviors! As Rachel Hollis says, “The last three months of the year are typically when we make the worst decisions regarding our health. We eat more, drink more and move less. If you don't have a plan, you'll reach for bad coping mechanisms.”

Because You Want to End 2019 and Start 2020 on a High Note


Finally, you want to join the #Last90Days challenge because you want to end the year on a high note rather than dragging yourself over the finish line. Instead of waiting for January 1st to start making self-improvements, go ahead and start now! If you stick to your self-improvement goals the last 90 days of the year, then you will end the year and start the new one feeling positive.

Tips for Choosing Your Goals for The Last 90 Days Challenge


If you are up for the challenge, here are a few simple tips for choosing your goals for the last three months of the year:

  • Only choose a few goals. If you choose several, you will fail.

  • Choose goals that are realistic and attainable. For instance, if weight loss is a goal, don’t strive for a weight loss that is impossible for that short amount of time.

  • Invest in a goal planner or journal to help keep yourself motivated.

Is Your Family Prepared in Case of an Emergency?


The heartbreaking stories coming out of the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian has got me thinking about what my family would do if we were in a similar situation. While New Yorkers typically don’t deal with hurricanes, we do face plenty of other emergency situations. Therefore, it is wise to have a family emergency plan in place.

I know it feels scary to think about, and it feels overwhelming, but taking a little bit of time today to prepare for an emergency tomorrow can make all the difference. And, for those working moms who already don’t have enough time, I am attaching links for as many pre-made tools as possible.


Sign Up for Emergency Alerts

First, be sure to sign up for emergency alerts on your cell phone. These alerts are lifesavers. You will receive notifications for any potential emergency, including tornadoes and winter weather. You can do a quick Google search for your town and the word “alerts” to find the one for your area and opt-in for alerts.

Write Out Emergency Contacts

If you are like me, you don’t have very many phone numbers memorized. With cell phones, memorizing numbers is a thing of the past! However, in case of emergency, it is helpful to have your emergency contacts written out – and it is especially helpful if you have children. I like FEMA’s Family Emergency Communication Plan form, which also has space for email and social media handles. All you need to do is write out all your important phone numbers and save it.


Have an Evacuation Plan

Next, give thought to where your family would meet and go if there was an emergency. Then, communicate this plan clearly with your family and anyone else it involves (such as evacuating to a different family member’s home). The American Red Cross has an excellent Family Disaster Plan template. Likewise, it is important to have a fire escape plan for your family. For an example and checklist, see the National Fire Protection Association’s Home Fire Escape Plan.


Store Important Documents Safely

It is also important to store your family’s important documents safely. You want to place documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and passports in a fire safe and waterproof storage container. Use The Spruce’s guide to The 8 Best Fireproof Safes of 2019 to help you shop.


Prepare an Emergency Kit

Last but not least, it is wise to prepare a family emergency kit. This kit should include the essentials for your family in case of an emergency. Ideally, the items should be stored in a duffle bag or storage container that is easy to grab and go in the event of an emergency. If you want to pack your own emergency kit, see FEMA’s Emergency Supply Checklist. If you don’t have time to put one together yourself, you can purchase a pre-made emergency kit from the American Red Cross, which includes first aid supplies, emergency food, and other essentials.

Remember – a little planning today can make a huge difference tomorrow. Here’s hoping your family never has any need to use your family emergency plans.

Is Fall the Best Season of All? Here are Some of My Favorite Things About Fall


While fall does not officially begin until September 23, 2019, it sure feels like we all start embracing all things fall right after Labor Day. Now, you all know, I love summer. So, to make myself feel better about saying goodbye to summer, I’ve been thinking about all the reasons fall may be the best season of all.

Fall Fashion

Naturally, one of the main reasons I look forward to fall is for the fashion! Fall is the time of year when we put away our summer clothes and embrace darker colors, boots, and sweaters.

Fall Temperatures

I wish we had fall temperatures all year in New York City. Unfortunately, we don’t. So, when the temperatures drop below burning hot and have not reached freezing, it is the perfect time of the year temperature-wise.

Fall Beverages

When fall rolls around, we all become pumpkin-spice crazy. However, that is not the only fall beverage I look forward to each year. Fall also means being able to drink hot chocolate more often and enjoy ciders on weekend afternoons.

Fall Food

Likewise, there are some foods that are more enjoyable in the fall. For example, I don’t typically like to eat soups when it is hot outside, but I crave soups in the fall. Plus, fall means apples, pumpkins, and spices.

Fall Holidays

I also love fall because it is the start of the holiday marathon. October has Halloween and November has Thanksgiving (followed by Black Friday – a personal favorite). I find it is so nice to have a holiday to look forward to each month.

Fall Adventures

Since fall brings outstanding temperatures, it is the perfect time to get outdoors. Fall is the ideal hiking season. Plus, there are some outdoor adventures that can only take place in fall, such as apple picking and pumpkin patch visits. And, the kids get out of school for fall break. Be sure to take a look at these 9 Fall Break Ideas for NYC Families I put together to start planning!

Fall Colors

I love to take a weekend each fall to go on a family adventure to see the leaves changing colors. I love all the autumnal colors – and they make a great background for family photos!

Fall Décor

Everyone likes fall décor, but what makes it extra special is that you can use it for more than one month. For example, for Christmas, you get about one month. But, for fall, you can have oranges and yellows in your home from September through November.

Fall Television

Another reason to look forward to the fall is brand new television. It means new seasons of my favorite shows and brand-new shows to test out. Click here for the Premiere Dates and Schedule for Every New and Returning Show for Fall 2019.

What do you think? Is fall your favorite season? Are you crazy for pumpkin-spice or are you totally over it? Are you still mourning summer like me?