10 Things to Catch Up On This Spring Break

Whenever spring break hits, I am in shock and awe that we are almost at the end of another school year. And I am even more alarmed by all the good intentions I had at the start of the school year that have not happened yet.

I am all about traveling over spring break, but there are years when it is wiser to stay home. So if that is you this year, use the days off to catch up on the many things you have wanted to do but just haven’t gotten around to.

Here are ten things on my spring break catch up list.

1. TV Shows

I suffer serious television FOMO. And I have a lot of it because there are so many good shows and so little time! I hope to find time this spring break to binge watch one of the popular series I have heard so much about.

2. Books

I read a lot before I had kids. Now that my girls are older, they give me a bit more space. Over spring break, I’d like to finally finish that book that I have started and put down a hundred times.

3. Taxes

Doing taxes isn’t my favorite thing, but they must be done. I look forward to knocking this boring task out during spring break.

4. Friendships

If you are anything like me, you have good intentions of getting together with your girlfriends, inviting that family over for dinner, and checking in with that long-lost friend… but life got in the way, and those things haven’t happened yet. Over spring break, I hope to find times for friendship.

5. Scheduling Appointments

One of my least favorite chores is calling and scheduling all the appointments moms need to schedule (various doctor’s appointments, dental appointments, etc.). I want to set aside a chunk of time to schedule all the appointments in the near future.

6. Outdoor Landscaping

Spring always makes me want to spend all my time outdoors. But after winter, my yard is in bad shape. And I don’t have the time to clean it up on the weekends. Over spring break, I want to clean it up and turn my backyard back into an oasis.

7. Indoor Cleaning

Spring break is a great time to do some spring cleaning. I plan to get the whole family involved so we can tackle our spring break list in no time.

8. Renovations and Makeovers

If you aren’t traveling, spring break is a wonderful time to finally do the home projects sitting on the back burner. Use your time off to renovate a bathroom or give your kid a bedroom makeover.

9. Summer Planning

Nothing makes you more ready to plan a summer vacation than a spring break spent at home! Use that motivation to your advantage! Go ahead and plan the perfect summer vacation. Book your tickets and start a countdown. And don’t forget to sign your kids up for summer camp.

10. Wardrobe Swap

Spring break is also the perfect time to swap your cold weather wardrobe for your warm weather wardrobe. Donate the clothes that no longer fit or have gone out of style. Look through your warm weather wardrobe and take note of what is missing. Then, go shopping!

Spring Allergy Season Must-Dos

March 20, 2022 is officially the first day of spring. As much as I am looking forward to warming temperatures, I am not looking forward to spring allergy season.

I am determined to make it through this springtime with less sneezing, watery eyes, and stuffiness. After talking to my doctor and considering my previous spring allergy seasons, here are the things I am doing differently.

Choose Your Outdoor Time Wisely

Springtime temperatures call to me: “Come outside, Rachel! Enjoy the sun on your shoulders!” But, I’ve learned the hard way that I shouldn’t always rush outdoors just because the sun is shining.

If the pollen counts are high or too many pretty things are blooming, it is wiser for me to stay indoors. So I head to the gym instead of hiking through a park. If it is windy, I also plan to stay indoors to avoid the wind blowing all the pollen into my nose.

When you need to be outdoors on a day when your allergies are at their worst, wear a face mask.

Take Your Meds

Daily allergy medicine, like Claritin, works most effectively when it has time in your system. So, it is best to start taking your allergy medication before you start experiencing all the usual allergy symptoms.

Once you start taking your allergy medicine, keep it up! Set an alarm and take it every day.

Watch What You Bring In

It is so tempting to open the windows and air out the house in the springtime, but this is dangerous for allergy sufferers. As much as you want to enjoy that fresh air, you will do better with the AC when things are in bloom.

Take off your shoes when you enter your home instead of tracking allergens throughout your home.

Vacuum and dust regularly.

Towel off your pets when they come back inside from outdoors.

Protect Your Eyes

During spring allergy season, I wear my glasses more often – especially if I am outdoors.

I also use eye drops.

When I am working from home, I am surrounded by flowers just in time for allergy season to come full blown! With my eyes getting itchy from allergies, I need something that works fast to provide relief!

That’s why Pataday® Once Daily Relief is the perfect solution this allergy season. It contains the #1 doctor prescribed eye allergy itch relief ingredient. In addition, these once-a-day eye drops work in minutes!

Now @pataday is over the counter and is a great way to fight itchy allergy eyes!

Check the Pollen Counts

Some days are worse than others for your allergies.

I’ve found checking the pollen count to be really helpful for deciding if I am going to exercise outdoors or at the gym.

The Weather Channel app predicts allergy symptoms with a “very low,” “moderate,” or “very high” level.

Pollen.com is another option.

And Zyrtec has an Allergy Tracker App.

What tips do you have for spring allergy season? Please share them below!

10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Digital Life

Spring cleaning is upon us. While I always strive to declutter and deep clean areas of my house, I realized another space in my life desperately needs a spring cleaning. I’m talking about my digital life.

Things pile up in our digital worlds just like they do in the real world, which is why I am going to focus on spring cleaning my digital life this year.

Here are the 10 ways I plan to spring clean my digital life.

Clean Out Your Inbox

Just like you declutter your junk drawer each spring, you need to declutter your inbox. If promotional emails have piled up, delete them. If you still have emails in your inbox from last year’s teacher, delete them. If you still have emails with previous vacation itineraries, delete them.

Hit Unsubscribe

After you do a big inbox purge, it’s time to think about how you can cut down on the number of emails you receive regularly. I’m a big fan of hitting unsubscribe at the bottom of emails as I receive them. However, I know of several people who really like unroll.me, which is an online program that unsubscribes you from an email list you don’t want to be on.

Delete Photos

If you’re like me, you take approximately 10 photos of your kids to get one good one. But, I tend to allow the other 9 photos to take up storage space on my devices or my cloud service. I plan to sit down one evening with a glass of wine, a good mindless TV show, and delete, delete, delete.

Curate Your Social Media Feed

Make sure you spring clean your social media. If you follow people that make you feel bad about yourself, unfollow them. Who you follow should bring you joy. Also, if you have people following you that you wish wouldn’t, remove them.

Say Goodbye to Contacts

I recently discovered that my Amazon Alexa connects to all my phone’s contacts – email and phone contacts. Since I have random contacts from years ago, it means my kids could accidentally call one of these strangers. Yikes! It made me realize that I really need to delete contacts of people I have no intention of ever speaking to again.

Cancel Spam Callers

Tired of getting spam calls or spam texts? Take just a few minutes to register with the National Do Not Call Registry.

Remove Unused Apps

It only takes a few minutes to remove the unused apps on your phone if your phone doesn’t do it automatically. But, I also think now is an excellent time to review the apps on your phone and see if they are time wasters. For example, this may be the time you decide to delete social media apps from your device and only check those sites from your computer.

Set Digital Reminders

Have you ever questioned when you need to go to an annual doctor’s appointment? If you don’t stay on top of it, these things slip through the cracks. This year, I set reminders for the month I need to see each of my doctors to call and schedule my annual appointments.

Use a Password Manager

Instead of forgetting passwords and having to reset them constantly, I am going to invest in a password manager this year. Password managers keep all your passwords and monitor them to make sure they are keeping your accounts safe and protected. Check out PC Mag’s The Best Password Managers for 2022.

What tips do you have for spring cleaning your digital life?

How to Say No the Right Way

One of the biggest struggles for many women is saying no. I struggled with saying no, but I have gotten much better about it over time. However, I had to recognize that it was hard for me to say no first, then I had to be intentional about saying no. I know I’m not the only one.

According to The Swaddle, “Human relations and interactions are quite reliant on reciprocity, which makes us feel that not obliging socially, will threaten our bonds with people. […] Amid our struggles to fit in and be liked by our peers, we worry that saying ‘no’ might make those same peers reject us. The fear of saying no also stems from the urge to avoid conflicts, or confrontation. Another reason why people tend to worry about saying no is because they don’t want to disappoint others, or hurt their feelings.”

If you relate, use the following tips to learn how to master the art of saying no.

Know How To Identify A Clear No

First things first – you need to know when saying no is the correct answer. Here are two ideas I use to help me decide if my answer is a yes or a no.

  • If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no. I’ve found this one is especially helpful for social activities. For example, “Hell yes, I want to go to brunch!” versus “Yeah sure, I’ll go to dinner on Friday after a super busy work week.”

  • Whenever you say “yes” to something, you say “no” to something else. Or vice versa. Saying no to staying later at work means yes to dinner at home with the kids. Saying yes to a relaxing day at the spa with my girlfriends means saying no to Saturday morning chores. What do you need more?

Remind Yourself It Is Okay to Say No

It is much easier to say no if you know and truly understand it is okay to do so. Ask any woman who has burned herself completely out from saying yes too many times. Remind yourself it is okay to say no and that if someone doesn’t accept your no, you don’t need that kind of toxic person in your life anyway.

Add a Compliment

People are more receptive to the word “no” if it is cushioned with a compliment.

For example, “You do such an amazing job with this charity event every year, but unfortunately, I am unable to participate this year.”

Be Gracious

Treat being asked as an honor instead of a burden.

For example, “Thank you so much for thinking of me! While I would love to support the school in this way, I don’t have the space in my calendar this spring.”

Provide a Reason

While I don’t think you owe it to anyone, providing a reason is a good way to ensure the person asking will drop it. With that being said, don’t give them the whole story if you don’t want (or need) to.

For example, “I have to say no. I am swamped with work, extracurriculars, and taking care of my aging parents.”

Get to the Point Without Being Rude

There are some moments when a short and sweet no is all that is required, such as when you are asked to do something by a stranger.

For example, “Sorry, but no” or “Sorry, but I can’t help with that.”

Consider the Future

If you genuinely would like to say yes but simply can’t for some reason, leave the door open for the future.

For example, “Sadly, I have to say no. My weekends are booked for March, but please ask me again in April.”

Say Yes With Boundaries

There may be times when you want to say yes, but you also know you can’t say yes to everything.

For example, “I can help, but I will need to leave no later than 11.”

Think On It

When you are put on the spot, don’t say yes or no. Instead, simply ask for more time.

“I’ll get back to you” or “I’ll let you know.”

The key here is to really think about it and not use it as a brush-off. Use the time to decide if it is a yes or no. Then, if the answer is no, figure out which strategy to use.

How to Stay On Top of Fashion Trends

As a mom in the fashion industry, I am often asked how I manage to stay on top of fashion trends.

I get it. As a mom, it is hard enough to get yourself and your kids put together each day without worrying about the latest fashion trends.

But here’s the good news. It is possible to keep your wardrobe trendy and fresh.

Here are some of the best ways to stay on top of fashion trends as a mom.

1. Watch Fashion Shows and Major Events

You probably won’t have a chance to attend Fashion Week, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch clips virtually. Premiere fashion shows are one of the best (and most fun) ways to see what trends will be taking over stores soon. Additionally, look at what people are wearing at major events, such as The Grammy’s or Coachella.

2. Subscribe to Fashion Magazines

I love getting my issues of Vogue in every month. They are full of beautiful photographs of glamourous people modeling the latest trends.

3. Bookmark Your Favorite Fashion Websites

If you’d rather not subscribe to magazines, it is a good idea to bookmark fashion websites and blogs. When you get some free time, peruse these websites to see what’s new.

4. Follow Celebrities, Brands, and Stores on Social Media

Celebrities are often the fastest way to tell if something is trending. If you notice the same fashion trends popping up on celebrity social media accounts, it is a good sign that this trend will soon be everywhere. So make sure you follow the celebrities, brands, and stores you get fashion inspiration from.

5. Pay Attention to Stylists

Keep in mind that behind every wonderfully dressed celebrity is a super talented stylist. If you really want to know what is up and coming, pay attention to stylists. Follow their social media pages.

6. Make a Pinterest Board

Don’t just take every picture in. Instead, make a Pinterest board for each season and as you find looks you love, pin them to the board. This is a quick and easy way to keep track of trends.

7. Go Window Shopping

One of my favorite ways to stay on top of fashion trends is to go shopping. Window shopping, that is. I love to wander around and look at what stores are displaying. It is a fun way to see what looks are trending.

8. Work with a Personal Shopper

As a personal shopper, I can tell you honestly that if you want to look on-trend and fashionable, a personal shopper is the way to go. Personal shoppers often get access to the latest fashions before they even hit the sales floor. 

9. Keep Your Eyes Open

Sure, you can get fashion inspiration from Paris runway models and celebrities, but often all you need to do is look around you. Let’s say you are stuck in Mom Land and haven’t purchased any new clothes for a while. Simply spending time looking at what others are wearing will help you know how to upgrade your wardrobe.

10. Look for New Accessories

Don’t forget about accessories. Many moms don’t have the budget to buy a whole new wardrobe every season. In this case, knowing which accessories are trendy and fashionable is a more budget-friendly way to update your fashion.

A Date Idea For Every Month Of The Year

You always hear people say, “Keep dating your spouse.”

But let’s get real. It is very easy to neglect your relationship – especially date nights – once kids come along.

Parents are so busy and exhausted, so planning dates usually doesn’t make it to the top of the To-Do list.

How many of us have thrown the towel in and settled for simple date nights at home or the go-to dinner and a movie?

While it’s better than nothing, it is possible to step it up and find yourself looking forward to date night like you did when you were dating.

To help get you started, here are suggestions for every month of the year.

January Date – Spa Day

After the chaos of the holiday season, plan a spa-like date. Whether this means going to an actual spa for a true spa day, booking a couples massage, or turning your bedroom into your personal spa, use this date to relax and reconnect.

February Date – Dinner and a Show

With Valentine’s Day this month, it is a good idea to take advantage of the special menus that restaurants offer. However, since dinner dates are kind of the norm, take it up a notch by also going to a show, gallery, or museum.

March Date – Weekend Away

March is an ideal time to plan a weekend getaway because you can find great rates and don’t have to deal with winter tourists or spring breakers. Yes, a weekend away is hard to pull off with kids, but it is so important! Make it happen this March!

April Date – Get Physical

When the weather starts to warm but before it gets too hot, plan an outdoor date. Go hiking and enjoy a picnic from a scenic view.

May Date – Brunch Date

Instead of date night, enjoy a date morning. Head to a Farmers Market and then enjoy a casual, lengthy brunch before you go back home to kids.

June Date – Lots of Laughs

Laughter is great for relationships. Laura Kurtz, a social psychologist, tells Time Magazine, “Moments of shared laughter are potent for a relationship. They bring a couple closer together.” Plan a date night designed to make your spouse or partner laugh, such as attending a comedy show or watching a stand-up special.

July Date – Play Together

Let loose and play in July! Couples have fun in different ways, but the goal is to find an activity that encourages you to simply have fun together. This may look like going to an adult arcade like Dave and Busters, visiting an escape room, or working together to solve a crime (i.e., Hunt a Killer).

August Date – Movie Night

Movie nights are a date night tradition for a good reason – we get to share an experience and discuss it later. But you can step this date night up. Consider going to an old-fashioned drive-in movie theatre, a retro theatre, or hosting your own backyard movie screening.

September Date – Road Trip

As summer winds down, find time to escape for the day with your spouse or partner. Book a babysitter for the day and simply go explore a nearby town.

October Date – Fall in Love Again

Embrace all things Fall this month. Go to a corn maze, enjoy a cider tasting, and visit a haunted house.

November Date – Get Busy in the Kitchen

Learn how to cook something new with each other before the holidays. Whether you attend an in-person cooking class or use an online video, enjoy the learning process and the meal together.

December - Christmas Date

I’ve said it before, but I love a good Christmas shopping date. Not only do you get to enjoy holding hands while looking at all the holiday displays, but you also get to knock something off your gigantic holiday To-Do list.

A Few Other Date Ideas

In addition to the above suggestions, here are some other ongoing date night ideas to consider.

  • Subscription boxes – There are many different date night subscription boxes that make it easy to enjoy something new and unique each month.

  • Season tickets – If there is an activity you both enjoy, consider getting season tickets or passes for easy date nights.

  • Classes – If you have shared interests, consider enrolling in a class together.

25 Reflection Questions To Wrap Up 2021

And just like that… another crazy year is coming to an end. We thought 2020 would be the weirdest year ever, but 2021 contained its fair share of weirdness.

Given how much has changed in the world around us in the last two years, I think it is more important than ever before to take some time to do some true personal reflection.

Why? Personal reflection is important for personal growth.

According to The Shine App, “Studies show that people who reflect actively strengthen their emotional intelligence, making it easier to cope with new challenges that may come their way.”

And, as Laurel Halloran, Ph.D., explains for The Shine App: “It is not an opportunity to get an exact ‘do-over,’ but by critically examining our experiences it gives us a chance to have a ‘do-better’ in the future.”

Even if 2021 hasn’t been your best year, I’m sure there were some positives. You might just need to dig deep to find them.

Take some time to reflect on the good and not-so-good parts of 2021.

Tips for Reflecting on the Year

As a mom, I get it. The idea of answering 25 questions about your year is daunting.

But, think of it as self-care.

Set aside time and space.

(Suggestion – aim for after Christmas when the kids are distracted and playing with their new toys.)

Get a notebook and jot down your answers.

Don’t overthink it.

Skip the ones you don’t have answers for immediately.

Come back to them later after you’ve had more time to ponder them.

Be honest and truthful.

Remember, these questions and their answers are just for you. You don’t have to perform.

25 Reflection Questions to Put a Pretty Little Bow on 2021

1.       What were the highlights of 2021 (big and small)?

2.       What goals did you accomplish?

3.       What did you do that worked?

4.       What did you try that didn’t work?

5.       What are you grateful for?

6.       What will you remember the most?

7.       What changes do you want to make in 2022?

8.       Where did you need more space?

9.       What valuable lessons did you learn?

10.   In what areas did you thrive?

11.   What were your challenges?

12.   What mistakes did you make?

13.   How are you different now than you were at the start of the year?

14.   What would you have done differently?

15.   What is something selfless and kind you did?

16.   What was the best compliment you received this year?

17.   What surprised you?

18.   What advice did you receive this year that proved helpful?

19.   How did you take care of your family this year?

20.   How did you take care of yourself this year?

21.   What can you let go of as you move into the new year?

22.   What brought you joy in 2021?

23.   How present were you in your relationships?

24.   What one word would you use to describe 2021?

25.   What are your intentions for 2022?

Do you have any other reflection questions you’d add to the list?

10 Tips for Staying Sane in December

I know I am not the only mom who feels like the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are insane.

On top of the general busyness of the season, my girls have so many extra activities (school plays, parades, parties, etc.).

It’s enough to make a mom feel a little (or a lot) crazy.

While I haven’t perfected it yet, I have a few tips for staying sane in December based on what I have learned from my own holiday insanity experiences.

1. Look at Your Calendar

These last few weeks of 2021 are incredibly busy – especially for students.

Take out your calendar and make note of everything coming up over the next few weeks – class parties, dance recitals, and gift exchanges.

Then, set up calendar reminders on your phone so you aren’t rushing last minute for outfits or gifts.

2. Make a List and Check It Twice

I am a list maker, and the holiday season requires all the lists.

I write down everything I am responsible for – because if I don’t, I will forget it.

My list has everything from grocery store shopping to calling long-distance relatives.

Tip – I keep a notepad by my bed to jot down those “to-do’s” I suddenly remember as I am trying to go to sleep.

3. Take Care of Yourself

If mama isn’t happy, nobody’s happy.

That’s why it is so important for moms to take care of themselves during the holidays.

Don’t run on empty!

Make sure you are getting enough sleep and exercise.

Avoid overindulging in holiday food and drinks.

4. Say No

One of the hardest but most rewarding lessons I have learned is to say no.

Before I commit to something, I check my already full calendar.

Then, decide if I have time or desire to squeeze one more thing in.

If not, I say no.

5. Choose What Matters

It’s easy during the holidays to get caught up and take on more than you need to.

To avoid this issue, I try to choose what matters.

Are homemade baked goods wonderful? Yes. Will my kids survive if I buy something pre-made? Also, yes.

Does my family have to try out the latest cool thing or am I just trying to keep up with the Joneses?

Prioritize what matters the most to your family.

6. Practice Gratitude

The holiday blues are a real thing, affecting millions of women.

If you feel a little blue this Christmas, try practicing gratitude or doing something for others.

I always feel better when I make someone else smile, so I put extra effort into bringing smiles this time of year.

7. Outsource Holiday Tasks

If your holiday to-do list looks anything like mine, you need help.

There is no shame in outsourcing some of your holiday tasks.

If you would rather cuddle with your kids and watch a Christmas movie, then take advantage of grocery store delivery rather than shopping yourself.

Hire someone to wrap your presents or hang your outside lights.

8. Combine Activities

Again, your calendar likely doesn’t leave much space to do everything you want to do.

Look for opportunities to combine activities.

For example, if you and your spouse need some alone time, see if you combine date night with Christmas shopping for the family.

If you want to spend time together as a family, try to combine family time with time making gifts for others or volunteering.

9. Avoid Comparisons

Your kids won’t remember what their neighbor’s Christmases were like, but they will remember their own.

Stop comparing your holiday to someone else’s and celebrate your way.

Christmas isn’t a competition.

10. Embrace the Magic in the Ordinary

Lastly, try to remember that Christmas doesn’t have to be over-the-top to be wonderful.

Simple traditions, such as baking cookies for Santa and looking at Christmas lights, are the most memorable.

Do you have any tips to share? Comment below!

How to Hygge as a Mom

It's Hygge time! Pronounced hoo-guh, it's the Danish/Norwegian tradition of being comfy/cozy and enjoying a wonderful time with loved ones, wrapped in a blanket (or blankets), and just celebrating being together.

Hygge has become popular over the last few years in the U.S. as Americans search for the happiness that seems to come so easily to Danes.

According to Very Well Mind, “Happiness researchers continually find Denmark to have some of the happiest people on Earth, which Danes attribute to the practice of hygge.”

Hygge, a Danish word defined as "a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.”

While increased happiness is a major benefit of practicing Hygge, it is not the only one. It also promotes a sense of calm, peace, and safety, which is good for our overall well-being.

You may be thinking, “But I have kids! Calm and peace aren’t exactly part of our family’s vocabulary.”

It is possible to Hygge as a mom.

Here are some tips to bring that sense of calm, peace, comfort, and coziness into your own home.

Carve Out Time and Space

As a mom, my calendar is always booked well out in advance. This makes practicing Hygge as a family difficult.

However, knowing the benefits of Hygge, I am trying to carve out time and space in my calendar and home.

This means not overly booking my calendar or maxing out my To-do lists.

It also means having spaces already prepared for relaxation.

It’s so much easier to relax on the couch and watch a movie with my daughters if the living room is clean and clutter-free. (I can’t relax with clutter. Raise your hand if you feel me.)

Not About Buying Stuff…But This Stuff Helps

It is important to understand that Hygge is not about consumerism – even though plenty of retailers will try to sell it. Hygge cannot be sold or bought. This is because it is a feeling.

Pia Edberg, the author of The Cozy Life, tells Mental Floss, "‘There are studies about how hygge in Denmark shies far away from consumerism,’ Instead of stocking up on mass-produced items, decorate your home with furniture and accents that are meaningful to you. Edberg says this could mean the items were given to you as gifts, you purchased them on your travels, or they are antiques with a rich history.”

With that being said, there are some practical things you can use that make Hygge easier. If you don’t own these items, you don’t have to spend a ton.

  • Lighting: Make your home feel cozy by avoiding harsh lighting. Instead, choose to use dimmers, floor lamps, or candles.

  • Soft Textures: The goal of Hygge is to feel comfortable and cozy, so look for textures that create these feelings. Purchase loungewear that feels soft and buttery against your skin.

  • Warmth: While sitting in front of a fireplace is ideal, that may not be an option for you. Instead, look for other ways to create warmth, such as thick throws or heated blankets. It is also a good idea to set up a hot beverage bar.

Be Present

Most importantly, be present.

As much as retailers will try to convince you that Hygge is about products, it is really a feeling.

And that feeling is found by being present with the people you love.

Turn off your devices and tune into one another.

Do you have any tips to add? Share them in the comments!

A Few Ways to Keep Love Alive While You’re Busy Being Parents

I’d be lying if I said marriage is easy. It’s hard work, but it is work that is worth it.

According to a study reported by Consumer Affairs, “The researchers learned that parents’ romance had an effect on their kids. When kids saw their parents love and affection for each other, they were more likely to marry later in life and complete more schooling than those whose parents reported lower romantic feelings.”

Plus, who doesn’t want to be in love with their spouse? Yes, people fall out of love, but that isn’t what we are hoping for when we walk down the aisle.

That being said, I know that it is hard to keep the spark alive when you are working parents.

Here are a few suggestions to help you keep love alive while you’re busy being parents.

Book a Sitter

One of the best things you can do for your marriage is book a sitter and go on regular date nights. Even if you have been together for years, you want to remember what it feels like to date your spouse. It’s a good way to remember why you fell in love in the first place.

Helpful Tip: Put date night on your family calendar just like any other event or appointment.

Plan At-Home Date Nights

There may come a time when you can’t get a babysitter. That doesn’t mean you have to cancel date night. Some of our favorite date nights have been at-home dates! The thing to keep in mind with an at-home date is to do something different from every other night you spend at home with your spouse. Get out the candles, order in your favorite restaurant, and put on date night clothes.

Helpful Tip: Consider ordering a date night subscription box to get you out of the TV and dinner rut.

Sleep In Saturdays

Once our girls were old enough, we learned the magic of Saturday mornings. We tell our girls on Friday evening that they are on their own in the morning. We set out an easy breakfast on the counter that they can make themselves (such as cereal) and give them the remote and instructions not to wake us up until 9 am.

Share a Hobby

Find a hobby you and your hubby both love that you can enjoy on a regular basis. For example, we love playing board games together. This will look different for every couple. And there is nothing wrong with a shared love of television! The key is to use this time to bring you closer to your spouse. So, if TV is your thing, watch a show you both love and then talk about it after.

Spend Time Catching Each Other Up Daily

One of the simplest ways to keep love alive is to keep talking. During the school years, life is so busy. There were days when I realized I hadn’t talked to my husband about anything of importance. There were also times when he assumed he’d shared something with me and he hadn’t.

A simple five-minute conversation, no phones or other distractions allowed, has helped with this problem tremendously. Plus, it feels really nice when my husband is focused on checking in with me.

Keep Touching

Lastly, don’t stop touching. It’s easy to become complacent in a long marriage, but touch is important. Hold your partner’s hand when you are out. Cuddle on the couch when you watch a show. Give each other a hug and kiss before you leave and when you come home.