5 Reasons We’ve Already Started Saving for College

My girls are young, but like most parents, I’ve already started thinking about the day they’ll leave me to go to college.

And sometimes just thinking about it makes me panic. Not because I’ll be an empty nester but because, oh my gosh, college is expensive!

While I don’t have a crystal ball and I can’t predict the future, I am still planning for their future college attendance. Here’s why.

1. Kids Who Go to College Earn More

It’s common knowledge that people who earn college degrees tend to earn more than those who don’t. But I was startled to learn just how much more.

According to Higher Ed Dive, “Individuals with bachelor's degrees will earn $400,000 more in their lifetimes than those with just a high school diploma.”

The same report claims, “College graduates who enrolled at age 18 and earned a degree in four years ‘can expect to earn enough relative to a high school graduate’ by age 33 to make up for paying tuition and other costs and for being out of the workforce while in college.”

Of course, I will support my daughters even if they don’t go to college, but those numbers are a great motivator for saving for college.

2. Money Grows

College is a long way off for my two girls.

But that means it gives the money I put into their college savings accounts even more time to grow.

For instance, money in 529 plans grows tax-deferred until the day comes when you need to withdraw it to pay for education expenses.

Plus, with a 529 plan, family and friends can also contribute.

Sure, it may sound boring to give a financial gift to a 529 plan while the kids are young, but their future selves will thank you!

3. College Costs are Rising

College costs are rising at crazy rates.

Check out these statistics from U.S. News representing the rise in college costs over 20 years:

  • The average tuition and fees at private universities have jumped 144%.

  • Out-of-state tuition and fees at public universities have risen 171%.

  • In-state tuition and fees at public universities have increased 211%.

I don’t even want to think what college will cost when my girls are old enough to attend, but I know enough to know I need to start saving now.

4. Makes Saving a Habit

I learned early on to treat saving like a habit.

I like to set aside some of every paycheck for savings. What I like even more is setting up savings for automatic contributions, so I save without even thinking about it.

It can be really tempting to not save – especially for things like college that seem so far away.

Turn saving into a habit so you don’t give in to temptation.

5. Helps You Set Realistic Expectations

Lastly, saving for college early helps you set realistic expectations.

We all have different incomes and budgets. Only you know what you can and can’t afford.

By saving today for tomorrow, you’ll be better prepared to talk to your kids about how much you will be able to help them when the time comes.

5 Ways to Show Support During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been celebrated every October since 1985. The goal of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to teach women about breast cancer and promote early detection methods.

If you are an American woman living in the United States, you likely know someone who has been affected by breast cancer.

This is because 1 in 8 women in the U.S. is at risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

According to the National Breast Cancer Coalition:

  • In 2020 there were 684,996 deaths from breast cancer globally.

  • Excluding basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the U.S.

  • Every thirteen minutes, a woman dies from breast cancer.

  • As of 2019, there were an estimated 3.8 million individuals living with a history of breast cancer in the United States.

Even if you haven’t been affected by breast cancer, these numbers show that breast cancer is a real concern for many women, and all the more reason we should support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Wear Pink

October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month are synonymous with the color pink.

According to Cancer.org, “During Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October and throughout the year—people wear pink ribbons to honor survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and to support the progress we are making together to defeat breast cancer.”

The simple act of wearing a pink ribbon shows your support. You may even want to have a “wear pink” day to show support in the office or the classroom.

Get a Mammogram

Possibly one of the best ways to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to take care of your own boobs.

If you are 40 years old, it is time to start your annual breast cancer screenings.

If you are under 40 years old and have a risk of breast cancer due to family history, your doctor may want you to begin annual screenings.

Don’t worry! Mammograms are not as scary as you think they are!

Participate in an Event

There are tons of Breast Cancer Awareness events, such as fundraising walks.

By participating in these events, you raise money for cancer research and show your support for those who have suffered from breast cancer.

Plus, many of these events give you a firsthand opportunity to meet breast cancer survivors and hear their powerful stories.

Donate to a Chemo Ward

In addition to donating financially to a research group you trust, consider donating physical items to a local chemo ward.

They are often in need of blankets, scarves, hats, and pillows for patients.

Create a Fundraiser

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also an opportunity to make your own fundraiser. Facebook makes it easy to donate to a charity you support and encourage your followers to participate.

In addition, you can create your own fundraisers, such as a pink lemonade stand or a pink fashion show for the ladies in the neighborhood.

What are you doing to raise awareness? What are you doing to take action for yourself?

Yes, You Do Need to Start 2021 Christmas Shopping Now


I’ve always been a proponent of getting your Christmas shopping done by Black Friday at the latest, but 2021 Christmas shopping is proving to be even more challenging.

You’ve likely heard reports from the news about toys possibly running out. As much as you want to believe news organizations are just exaggerating, that is not the case. There is a very real possibility that popular items, even clothing, will run out.

This is all because producers and retailers are still dealing with lingering supply chain issues. Those issues aren’t going to be solved by Christmas.

This is what you need to do to get your 2021 Christmas shopping done early.


Major Shipping Delays

There will be major shipping delays across the country. In fact, there are huge shipping delays even getting stock into the country.

According to Andy Harig of the Food Marketing Institute, “The wait to get into the port at Long Beach [in California] is almost eight days, and we have 56 ships backed up at any given time. There are reports of container ships turning around and not even waiting to get refilled.”

Within the U.S., shipping companies are facing major setups, as well. For instance, the Portland Oregon FedEx facility is currently 65% staffed. They are having to reroute 25% of the volume from its hub by using third-party transportation, which raises costs all the way around.

You also should not expect Amazon's two-day delivery services to work like normal.

Shop online early to guarantee your gifts will make it on time.


Price Hikes

The cost of shipping is forcing retailers to also raise their prices.

ABC 7 NY reports, “Toymaker Mattel whose brands include Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher-Price and American Girl, said in an earnings conference call on Tuesday that it is raising prices in the second half of the year in the run-up to the holiday shopping season.”

What that means for moms and dads is that we shouldn’t wait for a big sale to shop for Christmas presents. Prices won’t be slashed like normal.

It’s a better idea to purchase that hot item when you see it rather than waiting for the price to drop.


Things to Consider When 2021 Christmas Shopping in October

For most of us, it seems early to start 2021 Christmas shopping. But, as you see, this year it is a must. Here are some things to keep in mind as you start shopping for Christmas before Halloween.

  • Check Out 2021 Christmas Shopping Guides – Many of the Christmas wish list guides have already been published. These guides highlight what will likely be the items your kids want that may run out. Start with Amazon’s Toys We Love List.

  • Consider Out-of-the-Box Options: Since the shelves may be empty, consider out-of-the-box options, such as season passes to the zoo, enrollment in an Outschool course, or gift cards to your child’s favorite shop.

  • Think About Storage: One of the issues with shopping this early is having to keep the gifts hidden until you are ready to put them under the tree. Go ahead and have a plan for where you can safely store the gifts until the time comes to pull them out.

  • How to Handle Late Santa Requests: Kids don’t care about supply chain issues. They want that special toy. This year, they may not be able to get it. Start thinking about how you will handle late Santa requests, such as telling your kids the elves had to quarantine and can’t make that gift in time.

8 Fun Ways to Spoil Your Pup During National Dog Week


Did you know that National Dog Week is this week?

This annual celebration of dogs, which takes place the last full week of September, began in 1928.

After the WWI war hero returned home, Captain Judy began publishing Dog World magazine and then designated the last week of September to man’s best friend.

According to Dog.com, Captain Judy believed “a week-long celebration was the least that could be done to recognize the service and the unwavering loyalty of man’s best friend.”

For those who follow me on Instagram, you know that our family gained a four-legged family member named Milo last year.

Since Milo’s first birthday and National Dog Week fall back to back, I feel like it is the perfect time to spoil him a bit!

And because I know all of our dogs become family, I thought I’d share my ideas with my fellow dog lovers.

Take Your Dog on a Car Ride

A quick and easy way to bring a smile to your dog’s face is to take him or her on a car ride. Recently, Milo went with me to pick the girls up from school. It was a treat for him and my girls! They were delighted to see him in the carline… and he was delighted to hang his head out the window.

Buy a New Toy

Milo has plenty of toys, but National Dog Week provides the perfect excuse to get him a new toy to destroy. Just no toys with squeakers!

Splurge on a Pet Resort and Spa

There are some amazing pet resorts that cater to dogs, such as New York Dog Spa & Hotel. These unique facilities offer upscale boarding, as well as doggie day camp and grooming spas. For pups that deserve a bit of pampering and playtime, this is an excellent choice.

Visit a Local Dog Park

If you want to spoil your pup without spending any money, plan a visit to your local dog park. Milo loves making new friends at the dog park. He gets excited as soon as he sees the gates!

Eat at a Dog-Friendly Restaurant

When your family heads to lunch or dinner this weekend, choose a dog-friendly restaurant. Most of these restaurants offer water dishes, but some even offer doggie treats or specialty dog menus.

Purchase Matching Outfits

I will use any excuse I have to buy Milo a new outfit, so obviously, National Dog Week requires a new outfit or two. I especially love finding a doggie sweater that coordinates with clothes my daughters wear.

Host a Puppy Playdate

Want to be the coolest dog mom on the block? Host a puppy playdate in your backyard! Put out a bunch of tennis balls, sticks, ropes, and maybe even a little pool, and you will have a PAW-TY!

Bake a Special Doggy Treat

National Dog Week is a great time to let your pup have a little something extra, like a pupcake. A pupcake is a cupcake made with dog-safe ingredients. Here’s a recipe from Love from the Oven.

If baking isn’t your thing, you can also purchase a pupcake or cookie from a local pet store or bakery. There is also dog ice cream, such as Purina Frosty Paws, available in most grocery stores – including Target!

How will you celebrate National Dog Week? Let me know in the comments!

8 Tips to Make Mornings Easier


For years, mornings were chaos in our household. Between getting myself ready for work and my girls ready for school, there was always something being forgotten, and I always felt rushed. There was frustration and tears regularly. I finally said, “Enough is enough.” I needed to take back my mornings, so this is what I did.

1. Pre-Pack Lunches

Instead of trying to get the kids dressed and make lunches in the morning, I started pre-packing lunches the night before. As my girls got older, I passed this chore along to them. This one little trick saved us so much time in the mornings!

Bonus – we also winded up packing better, healthier lunches because we weren’t rushing and just throwing anything into the lunchbox.

2. Get Clothes Ready Ahead of Time

Similar to pre-packing lunches, I now get all of our clothes laid out ahead of time. I’m talking everything – down to my daughter’s underwear and accessories. I’ve seen some moms use a set of plastic drawers or a hanging closet divider to put together an entire week’s worth of clothes for this purpose.

3. Keep a Notepad by Your Bed

Every night before I go to sleep, I take no more than 5 minutes to jot down my to-do list for the next day. I do this for two reasons.

#1 – It helps prevent me from losing sleep thinking about what I have to do the next day.

#2 – When I wake up in the morning, I can quickly glance at the list to see if there is anything that must be done before I leave the house in the morning.

4. Make an Easy Breakfast

One thing I can count on is @justcrackanegg Omelet Rounds in the mornings! My daughters love the All American and the Classic omelet rounds.

All I have to do is remove the film, pop the tray in the microwave for 50 seconds - then let it sit for 2 minutes and my daughters can enjoy them straight out of the package or on the go for a quick breakfast snack!

Doesn't get easier than this and I can focus on getting ready for work!

5. Use a Better Alarm

If you hate waking up to an annoying beeping alarm clock, change it up! Everyone dreads that harsh beeping alarm. Instead, find a song that you love (that you won’t sleep through) and use this as your alarm. I guarantee you’ll wake up happier.

6. Say No to Devices

I’ll just admit it. I used to have a bad habit of checking my phone before I went to sleep and as soon as I woke up. This didn’t do me any favors. It did the opposite. I wasted so much time that could have been better spent. So now, I don’t open my phone in the mornings (besides turning off the alarm and checking the time).

7. Have a Designated Drop-Off Spot

After spending way too many mornings rushing around trying to find missing shoes and lost school papers, I created a designated drop-off spot for shoes, bookbags, purses, and keys right by our front door. It took just a few days for my kids to get in the habit of using this spot and it has made a huge difference!

8. Get Yourself Ready First

My final tip is a simple one – get yourself ready first. Just like you are told on a flight, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first. This may mean you have to get up earlier than your kids to get ready, but it will be worth it.

What Working Moms Need and Want in 2021


It’s no secret that 2020 was a beast of a year for working moms. All at once, the balance we fought so hard for as working moms was upended and we found ourselves back at home trying to do everything all at once. It was simply too much.

According to McKinsey’s 2020 Women in the Workplace report, “One in four working women in North America said that they were considering downshifting their careers or dropping out of the workforce entirely. For working mothers, and particularly those with young children, the number was one in three.”

That’s a problem – not just for working moms but also for companies. McKinsey explains, “We know that women’s advancement in the workforce matters; companies with more women executives are more likely to outperform those with fewer senior women.”

So, now that we are halfway into 2021, what do working moms need and want as they return to the workforce? This is what I’m finding.

Remote Work Potential

I’d be lying if I said I wanted to work remotely forever. I love my kids but going to work is kinda nice.

However, as a working mom, I need and want the ability to work remotely as needed. Kids get sick, get quarantined from school, and need someone to stay with them on teacher workdays. Not having to take off work to be with them and still get some work done is ideal.

We’ve seen it’s possible, so now we want it.


Meaningful Work

One thing the stress of working in 2020 taught me is the importance of meaningful work.

Being forced to go into the office for something pointless was a waste of time and super frustrating.

Larina Lee explains in Forbes, “In a hybrid world, put more intentionality on what’s done in the office and what’s done remotely. What are the meetings that have to be in person? Signal to people when it matters. The hardest thing for a working mom—everything’s an emergency.”

Employers need to provide working moms with meaningful work and be intentional with their requests.


Positive Work Environments

Another thing working moms need and want is a positive work environment. We don’t want to work in a stuffy workplace with hostile employees.

Our time is valuable. We don’t want to dread going into work, and the best way to do this is to make us WANT to go into the work.

Inc. reports, “academic studies suggest that employees who feel more positive emotions at work are more engaged, and thus, are less likely to leave the organization.”


Supportive Employers

I love this quote I found on Working Mothers: “You’ve never met a loyal employee until you’ve met a working mom with a great boss.”

Supportive employers make all the difference for working moms. We need a boss who will listen and be empathetic.

Unsupportive employers are feeling the loss of many outstanding female employees. According to Indeed, “70% of the women who cut hours or quit report a lack of support from their employers when juggling work and home life during the pandemic.”

In contrast, the majority of women who continued working during the pandemic reported their managers were sympathetic to challenges, patient, and offered emotional support (sometimes as simple as just asking employees what they could do to help).

Are you feeling the same way? Have what you need and want from your job changed over the past year? Share your thoughts!

Why I Never Leave Home Without IMODIUM®


This post is sponsored by IMODIUM®

Alright, ladies, let’s get real. Poop happens. Often, at the worst possible time. That’s why we laugh the hardest when we watch the unforgettable scene in Bridesmaids when Maya Rudolph and Melissa McCartney struggle to overcome a horrible bout of food poisoning during a bridal fitting. Or when Charlotte mistakenly drinks the water during her shower in Mexico in Sex and the City: The Movie and doesn’t make it to the hotel suite in time to relieve herself. We laugh because this seems like the absolute worst thing to happen, but we also laugh because we’ve all had an experience where we didn’t think we would make it to the bathroom in time.

Recently, I made the poor decision to eat a heavy breakfast before hitting the road. My family left for a four-hour road trip upstate. Shortly into the ride, my stomach started to feel a little off. I’m not a big fan of using the public restroom, but this was an emergency situation.  Unfortunately, this was during the time when public restrooms were not all fully open and other places had restrictions. The outlook was not looking good. 

Thankfully, I had IMODIUM® with me (I never leave home without it). I quickly took two IMODIUM® A-D Caplets and shortly afterwards, my stomach started to settle, and I made it to our destination without any embarrassing mishaps.  I’m sure I’m not the only mom to have ever broken out in a sweat thinking I wouldn’t make it nor am I the only mom who has had to miss out on the fun because I had to keep going to the bathroom.  Read on to see why I’m such a huge fan of IMODIUM® A-D Caplets and would highly recommend it to every woman I know.


IMODIUM® Helps Me Survive Life’s Busy Seasons

Life as a working mom never slows down, but some seasons are busier than others. Like the holiday season. According to a survey reported by the New York Post, “The pressure to have a ‘perfect Christmas’ also takes its toll on 41 percent of Americans, 5 who confess to working ‘too hard’ to achieve it. The percentage jumps to almost half (49 percent) for moms, who put even more pressure on themselves.” Almost half of today’s modern moms blame the pressures that come with holiday planning for their bouts of “less than festive” stress. If you catch my drift ;) …

Beyond the holidays, the pressures and high demands of everyday life alone can trigger diarrhea. With IMODIUM® A-D Caplets, diarrhea is one less thing you have to worry about! As soon as I feel an upset stomach coming on, I can take a caplet and find relief within an hour. Which is great, because then I can tackle my giant holiday to-do list without having to worry about constantly running to the restroom. Basically, IMODIUM® A-D Caplets have been a true game-changer for me.


Where to Find IMODIUM® and Where to Keep It

IMODIUM is #1 doctor-recommended anti-diarrheal brand for symptom relief and control. The IMODIUM® A-D Caplets work for even mild bouts of diarrhea by slowing your digestive system back to its normal, comfortable pace. I like the caplets because they are fast, effective, and small. I love that I can take them discreetly and even without water. 

IMODIUM® A-D Caplets provide on-the-go relief, which is why I always keep them with me (in my purse, in my car console, and in my medicine cabinet). And, I never ever travel without IMODIUM® A-D Caplets. Ask anyone who has ever experienced Traveler’s diarrhea and you’ll see why IMODIUM® A-D Caplets is a travel essential. 

You can find IMODIUM® A-D Caplets at most drug and grocery stores. Go to Target.com to snag a box today!

When Presents Go Wrong – Prepare Early to Prevent Gift Faux Pas


I’ve already started talking about holiday shopping because we have got to get a jump on it this year. Between supply chain disruptions and second shutdowns, there is a real possibility shopping for gifts will be harder than ever before. And that’s on top of the usual challenge of buying the perfect gift for family and friends.

I love giving gifts, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t ever given a bad gift (I’ve certainly received a few). Unless you have the type of relationship where you can ask directly, “What do you want for Christmas,” it’s up to you to find the perfect present. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when it comes to gift giving because we believe the gift will say something about our relationship with the individual. And there is some truth to that idea.

According to the BBC, “Although giving gifts can make you happy, communicate your feelings toward the receiver and even strengthen relationships, a less-than-stellar gift can have the opposite effect. […] Research has also showed that undesirable gifts can sometimes negatively impact the receiver’s perception of a relationship’s future potential.”

Hence the perfect present pressure. Here are some of the common gift giving faux pas.


Thoughtful or Thoughtless

Your gift will be seen as either thoughtful or thoughtless. A friend shared this Christmas gift story with me:

On the first Christmas with my new sister-in-law, I was excited to finally share the holidays with a new sister. I searched for the perfect feminine gift. I chose a gift set of Lush bath bombs because I absolutely adore my quiet bath time and think Lush products are the best of the best. As we prepared to exchange gifts, my new sister-in-law presented my gift first. She got me a nice neutral colored handbag. It was nice, but it didn’t match my normal bold colors and patterns. She commented that her husband (my brother-in-law) shared that he always gave me bath stuff, and she told him she couldn’t give someone in the family something as mundane as bath products… And then she opened her gift of bath products. We didn’t know one another well enough yet and were trying to be thoughtful, but both of our gifts looked thoughtless.

Have you ever chosen a gift that later seemed thoughtless? Have you ever been given something that showed the gift giver didn’t really know you?

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Big Spender or Cheap

There is also the worry of whether the gift(s) you choose will make you look like a big spender or a cheapskate. If you spend significantly more, the other person may feel uncomfortable. On the other side, if you spend significantly less, you worry they will think you don’t care enough to spend more money on their gift.


Prevent Gift Giving Anxiety with the Help of a Gift Advisor

If these types of worries cause you to suffer from gift-giving anxiety, you’re not alone. Many women feel stressed about buying perfect presents for everyone in their life. The problem is that we just don’t have time to work, take care of kids, and buy a worry-free gift for everyone on our list.

That’s where a gift advisor comes in. I am honored to work as a gift advisor for Neiman Marcus. Gift advisors take the guesswork out of holiday gift giving and will curate a list of the perfect presents for everyone on your list. Simply take a quiz to identify your gift giving needs to be paired with a gift advising expert.

7 Ways to Save Money This Holiday Season


Christmas is right around the corner. As much as I love all the holiday fun, sometimes it hurts my wallet. It is super easy to overspend at the holidays and wind up paying for your Christmas gifts well into the new year. Don’t feel too bad if this sounds familiar. According to CNBC, “A new holiday survey from American Express Pay It Plan It found that 86% of millennials (23 to 38) spent more money during the holidays last year than they planned to. Of those who overspent, about one in five (21%) went over budget by approximately $500 or more.”

Don’t fret. With these 7 tips, you can save money this holiday season while still enjoying all the holiday cheer.


1. Create a Budget

Before you begin holiday shopping, you need to create a budget. Make a list of every person you plan to buy gifts for and set a budget for how much you are willing to spend per person. Prioritize the list. For example, designate more money for your immediate family members and less money for your co-workers.

Note – Stick to your budget. It’s pointless if you make a budget and don’t follow it.

2. Prioritize Your Spending

When budgeting, think beyond gift giving. We tend to spend a lot of money during the holidays on extras, such as holiday décor, entertainment, and food. Limit the extras on your budget. Plan for those things you know you must have and allocate a certain amount. For example, you know you will have a holiday meal, so set aside money for it now rather than going overboard when the day comes.

On the same note, be sure to include stocking stuffers in your family’s gift budget. If you aren’t careful, you can wind up blowing your budget on these little things.


3. Only Buy Items on Sale

Make it a rule this holiday shopping season to only buy items on sale. Refuse to pay the full price for anything. Thankfully, technology makes this super easy. For example, go ahead and set a price drop alert for the hot toy item on your child’s wish list using Camel Camel Camel, which tracks Amazon price drops. Look for coupons online before you click buy (or on your smartphone while shopping in-store). Use price comparison apps to make sure you are getting the best price.

4. Start Shopping Now

Sadly, 2020 production is still slower than usual, so anticipate delays and products running out. If your child wants a popular toy, it is better to go ahead and buy it than risk waiting and not be able to find it. The good news is most big stores have already started Black Friday and holiday deals now.

5. Shop Online

You can save money shopping online this holiday season. According to a First Insight report, “89 percent of women and 78 percent of men who visit physical stores shared that they add additional items to their cart beyond their identified need. By comparison, a lower 67 percent of men and 77 percent of women reported adding extra items to their carts when shopping online.”


6. Take Advantage of Curbside Pickup

Along the same lines, rather than going into a store and overspending, take advantage of curbside pickup. This will prevent you from impulse buying and overspending. Plus, curbside pickup is convenient and safe.

7. Talk to Family and Friends About Cutting Back

The best way to cut back on overspending is to stop spending as much. Period. I’m not suggesting you quit buying Christmas presents, but it may be time to cut back on the number of presents you buy or how many people you buy for or how much you spend on each person. For example, ask if your family would like to draw names to give to one person rather than giving to everyone or ask family members to set a spending limit.

8 Reasons We Decided to Get a Fur Baby


I am happy to introduce you to the newest member of our family, a fur baby named Milo. Milo is a Havanese puppy. After years of begging, we finally decided to get our girls a dog. What made us decide to finally give in to their requests for a family dog? Beyond Milo simply being the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen, there are other reasons why we made the commitment to welcome four extra paws into our family.


1. Teach Responsibility

One of the main reasons we decided to get a family dog is because we believe our girls are at an age where they can help take care of him. When they were younger, all the responsibility fell on me. And I didn’t know one more thing to take care of. Now that they are older, we are hoping owning a dog will help teach responsibility. They will be responsible for feeding him and picking up his toys.

2. Foster Empathy

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), “Multiple studies showed that children who owned pets were more empathetic towards others.” Learning to care for a dog helps foster compassion and empathy for people and animals other than themselves.


3. Find Comfort

Dogs are the ultimate teddy bear. They comfort kids and make kids feel supported. It’s one reason why comfort dogs show up after major disasters or events that are anxiety-inducing. Just being in the presence of a dog can alleviate stress.

4. Boost Self-Esteem

As kids take responsibility, their self-esteem grows. Kids are proud of themselves for being big enough to help. Likewise, as they feel comforted and supported, their self-esteem improves.


5. Built-In Companionship

A dog is essentially a built-in playmate for a kid. Dogs love wholeheartedly, and kids reap the benefits of their unwavering love. Plus, dogs can help kids develop social skills. For example, Momtastic reports, “A University of Missouri study found that children with autism have stronger social skills when a dog lives in the home. ‘Children were more likely to engage in behaviors such as introducing themselves, asking for information, or responding to other people’s questions,’ says Gretchen Carlisle, a research fellow who helped in the study.

6. Get Active

Dogs need exercise, which means your kids get exercise. One of the girls’ responsibilities will be playing with the dog outside. Dogs make fewer messes when they get enough physical activity, so we are making that a priority. Not only will this help kids stay active, but it will also force them to put down their devices and head outside.


7. Stay Safe

Dogs have great ears. They can hear things humans can’t. As a result, they can alert us to danger. With a dog, you get a built-in security system. For this reason, many kids feel safe having a dog in the home.

8. Have Fun

Last but certainly not least, having a dog is fun! Who doesn’t love puppy cuddles or playing fetch? We have only had Milo for a few days and our home is already more fun!

What dog tips do you have for me? We need them! Post them in the comments.