Quarantine Pampering – With Stuff You Already Have at Home


If quarantine has you missing your beauty pampering, you are not alone. According to reports, “Consumers in coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown are looking forward to plenty the other side, but beauty therapy tops the ranks – way ahead of eating out, socializing and travel.” We miss getting our hail and nails done and feeling a little bit pampered. I am a fan of spas as much as the next gal, but I understand it may be a while before my spa days look normal. In the meantime, here are some of the things I am doing to pamper myself after a long day working and homeschooling my girls.

Clear Out Old Makeup

Now that I have a little bit more time at home, I am going through my makeup stash and getting rid of old makeup or makeup that I don’t love. At the same time, I am also getting rid of skin care products I no longer use. It is amazing how much makeup and skincare products we can accumulate! By clearing out the excess, it is much easier to find the makeup and products I love and use on a regular basis.

Clean Your Brushes

Along those same lines, this is also the perfect time to clean your makeup brushes. Here is a method from Style Blueprint:

1.       Apply a pea-sized amount of facial cleanser in your palm.

2.       Wet your brush under warm water and swirl the brush head in your palm, in a circular motion, for several seconds.

3.       Rinse your brush under warm water again and massage the brush bristles between your fingers to thoroughly wash out all of the suds.

Maintain Your Skincare Routine

Since we are staying home and not seeing people in person (or at least not within 6 feet), it is easy to let our skincare routine slide. Don’t make this mistake! Instead of letting your skincare routine slip, you should use this time to master it.

Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

There are so many at-home facial products readily available, from face masks to face sheets to face peels. You can order them online or purchase them from a local pharmacy. But, I have a feeling you have plenty of facial products in your makeup cabinet that you haven’t gotten around to using – now is the time!

Befriend Your Tweezer

If you haven’t touched your brows since the shelter-in-place orders were announced, your brows are in trouble. I know many of you are scared to tweeze them, but you have the time to get fully acquainted with your brows. Check out InStyle’s How to Groom Your Own Eyebrows — Without Making a Disastrous Mistake for a step-by-step guide.

Enjoy a Pedicure and Manicure

I’m not quite convinced that an at-home Mani and Pedi is as good as your local salon, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I do think you can do a better job of your nails than you typically would because you have more time. So, get out all your nail products and take your time.

Watch YouTube Instructional Videos

This is also the time to master a new look. After you put the kids to bed or while they are napping, try to follow along with a makeup tutorial on YouTube. You may finally learn how to contour or create the perfect smoky eye. And, if you mess up, it’s no big deal because no one is going to see you!

How to Avoid Distractions and Focus While Working from Home


The work from home struggle is real – especially for those of us who typically do not work this way. Since the coronavirus pandemic has forced millions of Americans to start working from home, we have been thrown into a new workplace full of distractions making it harder to focus. If you are finding it hard to focus while working from home, here are some things you can do to avoid distractions.

Turn Off the TV

Yes, it is super tempting to binge on Netflix while you are home and have full access to a TV without your boss knowing. But, it is super hard to stay focused on work with the TV on, so turn it off.

Avoid Chores During the Workday

While at home, you can distract yourself from work by focusing on all the “work” you need to do around home. If you spend the day doing chores, you won’t be able to focus. Instead, make it a rule to only do things around the house after your workday is done.

Set Aside Time for Emails

If you get bombarded with emails that keep you from staying on task, set aside time to check emails rather than checking each time you receive a new email. For example, opt to check emails from 8 – 9 am and then from 3 – 4 pm, and be sure to let your coworkers know your email hours.

Start Each Day with a To-Do List

Before you begin working each day, make a to-list. Write down your goals for the day, as well as identify the items on your to-do list that are “must-do’s” versus “may-do’s.”

Have a Dedicated “Office”

With mobile devices and Wi-Fi, it makes it possible to work anywhere in your home. The problem is that you can choose a different place each day and you don’t typically do this at work. Instead, you should have a dedicated workspace. No matter if it is your kitchen counter or a desk in your living room, make a point to work in the same space each day.

Create a Family Code of Conduct

If you have kids, then they will likely be your biggest distraction. Since you and your kids are working from home, create a family code of conduct. Some ideas: 1.) No TV during the day. 2.) If mom is on the phone and a kid needs something, kids should either wait or silently put their hand on mom’s arm (rather than yelling for her).

Turn Off Notifications

If you get all sorts of notifications on your phone from social media or news sources, you absolutely need to turn these notifications off. You can check your notifications when work is done – they aren’t going anywhere.

Take Breaks

Sitting and staring at your screen all day isn’t healthy either, so be sure to take breaks throughout the day. If this is a struggle for you, set alarms to go off after chunks of time to remind you to get up and move.

Use Tools to Block Distractions

Some websites and apps are just too tempting, and we need help to avoid them. If this sounds familiar, then utilize tools like Freedom to block tempting websites and apps like Offtime to block distractions on your mobile device.

Allow Yourself Time for Distractions You Need

Lastly, it is important to allow time for the distractions you need. You deserve a break to watch videos on YouTube or scroll through Instagram, so allow yourself to do so during set times, such as lunch.

10 Quarantine Date Night Ideas


At this point, I’ve lost count of how many days I have been stuck at home with my husband. Thankfully, we still love each other and are not wanting to strangle one another. But, I’m kind of over Netflix and Chill-ing every single night. I’m betting I’m not the only one. To help you get out of your quarantine date night rut, I’ve come up with ten at-home date night ideas for you and your partner.

Mix Some Drinks

I always wanted to take a cocktail class as one of my date nights but never was able to due to our busy schedules. Since we’ve been quarantining at home, I finally have time to learn how to make some cocktails! I made a Manhattan and was excited for Joe to be the first one to try my cocktail creation.

Cook a Romantic Dinner

Yes, we are eating together every night, but it’s amazing what a few candles, a nice bottle of wine, and some extra time in the kitchen can do. It will take dinner from the same-old, same-old to a romantic night in a flash.

Create a Spa Experience

I love a good spa day, but it’s going to be a while before I get back to my favorite spa. In the meantime, why not turn your home into a spa for you and your partner? Treat each other to a pedicure or a massage and release some of that quarantine stress.

Play Some Games

Have your kind of game night. Game night looks different for every couple. Some couples like to play board games, others like card games. You may want to embrace nostalgia and play your old game system favorites like Tetris or Mario Kart.

Draw and Drink

Draw and Drink are popular date nights, so try to recreate this fun and unique date night at home. Get your canvases, paints, and drinks ready and find the masterpiece you want to recreate. You can even search online for “virtual drink and draw” events.

Enjoy a Tasting

While you can visit a winery or a brewery currently, you can enjoy a private tasting at home. There are several companies that offer wine tasting kits, and many breweries allow you to make your own six-pack of beers.

Take a Personality Quiz

If you’ve ever wondered what makes your partner tick, then take an evening to do some personality tests together. You can take a Myers-Briggs or Enneagram personality test online. Upon receiving the results, you will learn why your significant other is the way he is.

Gaze at the Stars

Escape the confines of your living room to gaze at the stars. Bonus points if you have a beautiful balcony or backyard. Spend some time trying to identify your favorite constellations.

Learn a New Dance

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to dance but never had the time (or were worried about dancing in front of strangers), now is the perfect time to sign up for online couple’s dance classes! In addition to just simply looking up dance videos on YouTube, there are also several dance studios offering virtual couples dance lessons during quarantine.

Purchase a Subscription Box

If all else fails, then sign up for one of the many date night subscription boxes. Each subscription box is different, but they are all designed to make it easier for you and your significant other to have an enjoyable evening together. With a variety of activities, these are a socially distanced approved way to get couples out of their quarantine date night rut.  

Work from Home Struggles & Successes


Earlier this week, I asked about work from home struggles on successes on my Instagram account. Not surprisingly, I found we share many of the same struggles and successes. Working from home (especially if you are also homeschooling your kids) is hard work! There have been good days and bad days. Now that we’ve been at it for over a month, we’re beginning to see what we are doing well…and what we are doing not so well. Let’s take a look.

We are eating too much.

By far, the comment that showed up the most for work at home struggles was that we are eating too much. Many of us depleted our quarantine snacks within the first week. Why? It’s easy, and we are bored.

But we are snuggling more.

While eating more is not the best habit to embrace during this season, we are also spending our extra time at home snuggling our kids more. We are spending far more time with our families than before and surprising ourselves with how much we enjoy the extra snuggle time.

We aren’t getting dressed up.

As a whole, we are also struggling with getting dressed. Many of us have slipped into a nice routine of wearing pajamas to work. And for those who feel fancy, they are wearing yoga pants on bottom and dress shirts on top. We are wearing far less makeup (if any), and we aren’t doing our hair.

But we are getting more sleep.

A major perk of not spending as long on our appearance also means we are getting more sleep. We no longer feel the need to wake up extra early to shower and do the whole makeup and hair routine. We can roll out of bed and start our day. That may be hard to give up when the return to normal begins!

We are struggling with new routines.

At the same time, we are struggling with new routines. Many of us are creatures of habit – even in the office. And home does not work like the office, so there is a steep adjustment. Plus, those of us who are trying to work from home and homeschool our kids at the same time are struggling. It is a whole new routine – and it doesn’t work every day.

But we are still working out.

One routine we aren’t neglecting is our need to work out. While the gyms are closed, we are still finding ways to stay active and healthy. Whether we are working out in our backyards with the whole family or alone in front of a screen, we are doing what we can to work off all the extra calories we have been consuming.

We have too many distractions.

We are also finding many ways to distract ourselves and keep us from doing everything but work. Whether it is our kids or simply all of our own stuff, we are distracted and lacking focus.

But we are getting stuff done.

Yet, with all of the distractions, we are getting stuff done! Some of us are getting things done because of the distractions. Our dirty baseboards are distracted, so we’ve cleaned them! Our kids are distracting us, so we give them attention.

At the end of the day, whether we did a little or a lot, we can rest easier knowing we survived another day working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Hey Small Business Owners, Are You Part of the #OpenWeStand Initiative?


There's been a lot of changes with how everybody works during the Covid-19 crisis especially with small businesses and entrepreneurs. Being a lifestyle blogger, I've been changing the way I post, and my subject matter has been more about how to stay home and be an active blogger while my daughters are home all the time.

That’s why I'm proud to spread the news about the #OpenWeStand initiative as a GoDaddy partner. As you will see, the Open We Stand website is providing small business owners and entrepreneurs with much needed help and resources.


Trusted Resources to Help You Survive

If you are a small business or an entrepreneur, you are feeling the effects of COVID-19. Whether you are experiencing a small rain or a total hurricane, you are doing your absolute best to stay afloat. That’s why I am so thankful this initiative has provided resources to help us get through these tough times. Topics cover things like customer loyalty and business strategies specifically for this unusual time. We’re all having to learn how to do business in a different way and they have highlighted some of the key areas where these changes are front and center.


An Encouraging Community for Advice

This is brand new territory for all of us, which is why you should not feel ashamed to ask for help. GoDaddy has joined up with LinkedIn to provide a #OpenWeStand LinkedIn Group to create a community for business owners to talk about what is working and get advice for things that are not.


Be Inspired by How Other Small Businesses are Adapting

If you are like me, you are desperate for inspiration – especially while you are stuck at home and unable to work in your usual work space. That’s why I really appreciate that the #OpenWeStand website also includes a page dedicated to stories about how small businesses are adapting to make sure they are keeping their customer/client base and bringing in funds even with their doors closed. Plus, you can follow the hashtag on Instagram to see how other small businesses are adapting.


Ways to Show Your Support for Small Businesses

You can let your community know that you are open for business even if your doors are closed by using the #OpenWeStand ribbon. You can download the image from the website and use it on your social media posts, as well as printing it out on posters to place in your storefronts.

Additionally, you can use the GoFundMe Small Business Relief Initiative to find a small business to support. The Initiative has partnered with GoFundMe to make it easy for supporters to make donations online.

Small Business Relief and Grants are Available

Lastly, GoDaddy is working with GoFundMe for the Small Business Relief Fund. GoDaddy is providing a $500 matching grant to eligible small businesses. To be eligible, you must start a GoFundMe for your small business. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.

Why You Should Shop Your Favorite Stores Online While Stuck at Home


Listen. COVID-19 is scary. As soon as you turn on the news, the body count goes up. We are practicing social distancing and staying inside, but we don’t know how long this will go on. Non-essential workers have been sent home. Thousands (upon thousands) of people have lost their jobs. It’s serious.

I want you to know that I know how serious it is before I dive into today’s talk. All of us have heightened emotions, and we are quick to react. I don’t want anyone who reads this blog to think I am callous or oblivious. I am very (very) aware of the danger. I live in New York. I have a job that could disappear at any minute. I’m not trying to be insensitive. Just the opposite.

That’s why today, I am telling you why you should shop your favorite stores online while stuck at home.


Experts say online shopping is permissible and encouraged

Not only have experts said that it is safe to shop online (especially if you opt for no-contact delivery and sanitize after receiving products), but it is also encouraged. Business Insider suggests, “Consumers don't need to feel shameful about buying goods online, especially from small businesses currently hit by the blow of temporary closures. [Treiber of RevTrax] says, ‘In this environment, consumers should support any of their favorite retailers that may be suffering from forced store closures due to coronavirus.’”

While big-box stores like Walmart and Target are still open because they sell essentials, retailers that primarily sell clothing have shut their doors and are only making money through online sales.


You’ll help the economy

The economy is really struggling as a result of all the closures. And, while I am hopeful it will receive a big boost from all of us who have been cooped inside once the doors of our favorite retailers reopen, we can still do something to help the economy today. Vanessa Friedman, for the NY Times, writes, “After 9/11, George W. Bush urged everyone to go shopping. At first it seemed silly. But what he was really saying was: Redistribute the wealth. Get the economy going again.”


You’ll help small businesses stay in business

After the last recession, we saw stores we loved close up. I’m afraid we will see that after this is all over to. One way to help prevent your favorite stores from shuttering is to support them now. Consider purchasing gift cards to use at later dates or ordering products online.


You’ll help retail survive

Finally, when you get an email from a retailer that is advertising huge discounts, see it for what it really is. It is a cry for HELP! As Friedman explains, “This is not 25-40-60 percent off time. Except it is, because this is crisis time. The stores are closed. […] And because online sales are the only source of revenue they have to keep their employees paid and their business afloat.” The purchases you make are helping retail and employees (like myself) stay in business.

I’m not asking you to spend what you don’t have or to make poor choices (especially if you aren’t sure about your own income), but if you do have the ability to shop your favorite fashion retailers, now is the time.

Lift Your Spirits by Supporting Others During the Coronavirus Pandemic


A month ago, I don’t think we could have imagined we’d be where we are at this moment. Stuck inside, giving air hugs, and homeschooling our children. But here we are. It’s overwhelming, right? If you are like me, you are trying your best to stay calm for your kids and have a positive attitude in the midst of upheaval.

I’ve learned that the best way to lift my spirits is to help someone else, but since we are being told to stay in our homes, it makes it a little more challenging. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways we can offer support to others from our own homes.

Support Your Kids


First, our kids need us to lead the way during this pandemic. Their lives have been flipped upside down, too. With schools closed in New York and across the country, school systems are handling the missed school days differently. Whether your child’s school has provided at-home virtual lesson plans or you are making it up as you go, there are tons of resources to keep your kids learning and growing over the break. For example, Today put together a great resource of virtual learning tools for parents of everything from FREE Scholastic Learning Resources to celebrities reading children’s books.

Support Your Teachers


Your child’s teacher is experiencing this new normal right alongside you, so give him/her a break. Your child’s teacher likely only had a day or two to transition their entire weekly lesson plan into something kids could do at home without their assistance. That couldn’t have been easier. Show your child’s teacher some support by thanking him/her, asking questions, and not complaining.

Support Your Community


As families hurried to stock up on canned goods, many forgot that there are food banks who desperately need canned goods to provide meals for the needy. CNN reports, “Canned food donations are declining and one food bank in Stamford, Connecticut, can't keep its shelves stocked. […] Pasta, spaghetti sauce and cereal are usually always on the [grocery] shelves, but these days, even those items are gone […]. The food bank has had to use donations to purchase food to replenish their supply.”

While it will be difficult to go shopping and donate actual foods to food banks, you can donate financially to most food banks online from home, including the Food Bank for New York City.

Support Your Favorite Stores & Restaurants


According to CNN, “The drop in foot traffic and a reluctance to go out will leave shops and restaurants empty. In Seattle, already hard hit by the outbreak, a recent survey found that 60% of small businesses there are considering wage cuts and staffing cutbacks, while 35% said they may have to close. More than 80% expect the situation to get worse.”

If you are worried about the coronavirus pandemic affecting some of your favorite small businesses, try to find ways to continue supporting them. For example, buy gift cards to these stores and restaurants (an immediate way to give them some money that you can use when the world rights itself), and shop their online stores.

What other ideas do you have for supporting those around you during this strange season?

Want to Look Your Best? Hire a Personal Shopper.


The dressing room. We’ve all been there struggling to decide if the outfit we tried on looks good. Even if it “seems to fit,” we aren’t quite sure if the style is right for us or for where we plan to where it. Or, us modern gals standing alone at home in front of a mirror looking at the outfit we ordered online. Does it work?

Shopping for the perfect outfit can be challenging – even for those of us who love to shop. It’s hard to be objective with your own wardrobe. How many of us have clothes in our wardrobe that we want to love, but know in our heart of hearts just don’t look good on us?

Want to look your best? Hire a personal shopper. A talented personal shopper will solve all the problems above. She will go above and beyond to find clothing that works for your body, your style, your life, and your budget.


Saves You Time & Energy

If you are a working mom, then your shopping time is limited. If you are a stay-at-home mom, then you have to take the kids with you to the department stores. Neither works very well. That’s where a personal shopper comes in. When you work with a personal shopper, she knows your size and shape, as well as your fashion needs, and she does the shopping for you.

I know the trend now is to order online and return, but this also takes up a lot of time and energy. Yes, you get to avoid going to the stores with kids in tow, but you still run the risk of ordering and returning several things because, let’s face it, it never really looks the same in person as it does online.


Finds Better Fitting & More Flattering Clothing

Have you ever studied yourself in the mirror and couldn’t tell if the outfit you had on worked for your body? One of the best things about a personal shopper is that she knows which clothes will look the best on which body types. She’ll be able to pick outfits that are better fitting and more flattering by accenting the best parts of your figure and downplaying the parts of your body that make you more self-conscious.


Knows What is Trending

Fashion trends come and go. Even if you try to be fashion-savvy, it is hard to stay on top of what is trending and what is not. But, for personal shoppers, this is their job! They have to know the latest fashion trends in order to style their clients. With a personal shopper, you will never have to worry about wearing something out of style.


Values Fashion

Personal shoppers love fashion and have studied it. For example, I earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology, which I put to use as a personal shopper at Neiman Marcus. It’s not just some job department stores give to just anyone – you need a keen eye for fashion and plenty of experience.


Not As Expensive As You Think

Lastly, I know many women hesitate to work with a personal shopper because they think it will be too expensive and view it as something only the 1% does. This isn’t true. Personal shoppers know how to work with all budgets. Plus, isn’t it better to spend money on a personal shopper who buys you the right clothes rather than wasting money on clothes that don’t work?

Forget FOMO. Embrace JOMO.


We all know what FOMO is, but even if we know what the “fear of missing out” looks likes, it doesn’t mean we don’t suffer from it. For adults, this often looks like maxing out our calendar and our credit cards because we don’t want to miss out on anything. For parents, this also comes in the form of fear of our kids missing out and signing them up for far too many things and buying them closets full of stuff.

If you are honest with yourself and recognize you struggle with FOMO, it’s time to learn to embrace JOMO – the joy of missing out. Yes, I said JOY. As you change your habits of overindulging, overcompensating, and overspending, you will discover the joy in missing out.


How FOMO Sucks the Life Out of Us

According to the Seattle Times, FOMO “is associated with sleep problems, fatigue and stress.” As we strive to do more and be more based on what it seems like everyone else is doing, we are slowly killing ourselves. The truth is – there will always be someone who does more and has more. No matter how much you do, someone will “one-up” you. So, if you are spending your life trying to do a much or more than others just so you don’t miss anything, you will never win.


Learn the Joy of Saying No

If you are constantly saying “yes” from FOMO, you will end up so tired that there is no room for joy in your life. The New York Times explains, “When we dole out an easy yes instead of a difficult no, we tend to overcommit our time, energy and finances.” JOMO starts with learning how to say no. I know saying no can be challenging for many women, but there is such joy in saying no! Saying no puts you back in control of your own life.


Be Content and Practice Gratitude

Since FOMO stems from a fear of missing out, try to change the way you think by focusing on what you do have instead of what you don’t. For example, make a point to practice gratitude daily. Take note of the things you are thankful for in your life. Find ways to be content with what you have instead of unhappily seeking more and more.


Focus Your Attention on the Things You LOVE

When you are living with FOMO, you will eventually realize that by doing everything, you are really doing nothing. For example, you are doing so much that you are giving just a small amount of yourself to each thing. You are, in essence, spreading yourself too thin. It is better to go all-in for the few things you really love than give small bits of yourself to several things you aren’t that crazy about.

Think of it this way – If you were to enroll in every class offered, you wouldn’t learn anything substantial because it would be too much. In contrast, if you only enrolled in one or two classes and gave them your full attention, you would actually learn something. As the saying goes, “Every YES is a NO to something else.” When you say yes to everything, you are saying no to many more things.


JOMO is Better All Around

In the book, Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not How You Think, Daniel Kahneman writes, “Your happiness is determined by how you allocate your attention. What you attend to drives your behavior and it determines your happiness.” Find your joy by practicing gratitude for what you already have, learning to say no, and focusing your attention on the things you love.

“Each person’s mileage is going to vary. But if you feel overcommitted, no is a small word that can remind you how much control you have over your destiny.”

Easy Ways to Have a More Quiet and Peaceful Life


Our lives are noisy. Between our busy commutes to and from work and the constant notifications pinging on our smartphones, our daily lives are filled with noise. Not only are they actually noisy, but we are also bombarded with mental noise every day. We have access to more material than ever before (shows, radio, websites, etc.) that it is easy to immerse ourselves in the clutter all day every day.

But, if you are like me, you are ready for a change. I want to bring a little more peace and quiet to my life. And, after researching, I’ve discovered that I am not alone. It is something many of us want but don’t know how to achieve. Here are the best suggestions I’ve discovered.


Silence the Notifications

The fastest way to cut down on some of the noise in your life is to silence your notifications, but for many of us, this may also be the hardest. Did you know studies have shown that we have become addicted to notifications on our smartphones?

Instead of allowing a ton of apps to send you notifications throughout the day, go through your phone and strategically select only those apps which you truly need to receive notifications for. For example, you don’t need to receive every Instagram notification, but you may need to receive notifications from your child’s school. Instead, set aside a time each day to check up on your notifications.


Don’t Make Your Phone the First and Last Thing You See

Another one that will be hard is resisting the urge to make your phone the first and last thing you look at every day. According to a study discussed in Bustle, “They found the number one activity people participated in before going to sleep was using their phone. Not sex, not chatting with their partner, not reading a book — but using their phone.” Yikes!

Here’s the truth – there is nothing on our phones that we need to see before we go to bed or as soon as we wake up. We can take a few minutes to wake up peacefully before we check our phones. Many suggest putting your phone out of reach at night, such as across the room or in your restroom.


Invest in Noise-Cancelling Headphones

If you are like many New Yorkers who have a busy and loud commute on public transit, then you absolutely must invest in noise-canceling headphones. And, even if your commute to work is quiet, then you still may want to own a pair. They come in handy when you need to quiet all the noise around you in the office, at home, or on planes.


Get Back into Nature

In a crowded city, it’s easy to forget what nature is like. That’s why it is important to get back into nature just for the sake of being in nature. Resist the urge to listen to music while you run and instead listen to the sounds of nature. You’ll be surprised at just how good it feels to be present and aware of your surroundings.


Do Your Body Good (aka Exercise)

Exercise is good for you. Period. However, some forms of exercise, like yoga, are fantastic for helping you lead a quieter and more peaceful life. It requires you to breathe deeply and focus, which makes it difficult for your mind to wander. As Elite Daily explains, “The calm that a yoga practice brings helps rid the chaos, frustration and exhaustion that commonly fills the mind.”


Designate One Space in Your Home for Quiet

Lastly, designate one space in your home as your space for quiet. I know this can be challenging – especially for moms with little ones – but it is so very important. Basically, this needs to be a space free of all the electronics that typically clutter our minds (like TVs). For me, my restroom has become my personal sanctuary. I can bliss out for lengthy amounts of time taking a luxurious bubble bath, and it helps me quiet my mind and my heart. Find this space in your own home.